- Fridtjov Ruden. Ruden AS. 9/4/2017
- Pedro Neta. M.Sc. Student. University of Lisbon, Portugal. 14.07.2017-11.09.2017
- Purusattam Ray: Discrete to Continuum: Renormalization Approach to the Fibre-Bundle Model. Institute for Mathematical Science, Chennai, India. 14.07.2017-14.09.2017
- Ellen Nordgård Hansen. Senior scientist. Teknova. 14-Sep 2017
- Toshiyuki Nohira. Professor. Institute of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Japan. 9/15/2017
- Thomas Ramstad: Enhanced Value from Digital Core Images and Models. Statoil. 15. September 2017
- Alexander Mikkelsen. Dr. Institute of Acoustics, Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. 23.10.2017-27.10.2017
- Zbigniew Rozynek. Dr. Institute of Acoustics, Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. 23.10.2017-24.10.2017
- Khobaib Khobaib. Phd student. Institute of Acoustics, Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. 23.10.2017-26.10.2017
- Steven Holdcroft. Professor. Dept. of chemistry, Simon Fraser University, Canada, 6.11.2017-9.11.2017
- Osvanny Ramos Rosales. Professor. Claude Bernard University, Lyon. 08.11.2017-14.11.2017
- Stephane Sanrucci. CNRS Researcher. Laboratorie de Physique, ENS Lyon. 08.11.2017-15.11.2017
- Tamio Ikeshoji, AIST, Japan: Non-equilibrium and electrochemical simulations from Classical MD to First-Principles MD. 16 August 2018
- Tom Vincent-Dospital, University of Strasbourg, France: Thermal weakening of cracks. 30 August 2018
- Natalya Kizilova, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland: “Biological Networks: Principles of Design, Local and Global Optimization“. 03.10.2018
- Koji Amezawa, Tokohu University, Japan: “Operando 3-dimensional observation of reaction distribution in composite positive electrode for bulk-type all-solid-state lithium ion secondary batteries by using CT-XAFS“. 08.10.2018.
- Satoshi Nishimura, Hokkaido University, Japan: “Renewed approach in soil mechanics laboratory to frozen soils within THM framework“, 16.10.2018
- Erika Eiser, University of Cambridge, UK: “Microrheology of DNA hydrogels“. 22.10.2018
- Professor Steven Bryant, University of Calgary, CA: “Three Reasons I No Longer Understand Two-Phase Flow”. 14.11.2018
- Professor Steven Bryant, University of Calgary, CA: “White knights and Dark Knights: prospects for Climate Stabilization via Negative Emissions”. 15.11.2018
- Wojciech Debski, department of Theoretical Geophysics at the Polish Academy of Sciences,: “Time Reversal method, from mathematical principles to waveform analysis applications”. 18.01.2019
- Professor Phil Vardon, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, TU-Delft: “Material point method and application to granular materials” 24 January 2019
- Associate Professor Marios Valavanides, department of Civil Engineering, University of West Attica, Greece: “Recent advances in the DeProF theoretical framework for two-phase flows in porous media – where we stand and where we could go”. 28.01.2019
- Professor Alain Gibaud, Institut des Molécules et Matériaux du Mans, Université du Maine, UMR CNRS, Le Mans, France: “Small angle x-ray analysis of mesoporous silica thin films”. 29.01.2019
- Benoit Cordonnier, Researcher at the section of Physics of Geological Processes at UiO, specialist for CT studies in porous media: “Investigation of porous rocks under X-ray and neutron sources”. 19.03.2019
- Professor Patrick Huber, Institute of Materials Physics and Technology, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany: “Soft Matter in Nanoporous Media: From Nanoscale Physics to Metamaterials’ Science“. 20.03.2019
- Professor Verónica Pérez Chávez, CETYS University, México: “The use of effective medium theory in silicon photonics: An experimental and numerical study“. 10.04.2019
- Associate Professor Marios Valavanides, department of Civil Engineering, University of West Attica, Greece: “Two-phase flow in porous media: Validation, development, evolution and practical applications of the DeProF theoretical framework”. 25.04.2019
- Professor Natalya Kizilova, Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland: “Minimum entropy production approach to optimal design of the flow field plates in polymer electrolyte fuel cells”.15.05.2019
- Professor Natalya Kizilova, Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland: “Nasal ducts of arctic animals as optimal heat and mass exchangers”. 15.05.2019
- Alain Zanella, Lecturer at the University of Le Mans, France: “Natural fractures within impermeable and anisotropic sediments: from nature to experimental modeling”. 04.06.2019
- Professor Natalya Kizilova, Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland: “Porous structures, flows and minimum entropy production approach in biological materials and systems“. 05.06.2019
- Professor Majid Hassanizadeh, Managing Director at InterPore and Professor of Hydrogeology at Utrecht University, The Netherlands: “Advanced theories of two-phase flow in deformable porous media; experimental and computation studies”. 18.06.2019
- Research Associate Ali Telmadarreie, Canada Excellence Research, Chair in Materials Engineering for Unconventional Oil Reservoirs, Office of the Vice-President (Research), University of Calgary: “High-Resolution Inline Density Measurements: Insight on Multiphase Flow and Transport Phenomena in Porous Media“. 21.06.2019
- Professor Majid Hassanizadeh, Managing Director at InterPore and Professor of Hydrogeology at Utrecht University: “Capillarity in porous media at different scales”. 25.06.2019
- Professor Paul Gunnar Dommersnes from the department of Physics, NTNU: “Condensation of active matter“. 28.08.2019
- Professor Renaud Toussaint, CNRS research director, experimental geophysics, University of Strasbourg, France: “How local heating impacts fracture”. 05.09.2019
- Professor David Grégoire, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France: “Multi-physics couplings appearing in micro-to-macro porous media encompassing damage, transport and adsorption-induced strain“: 10.09.2019
- Professor Bjørn Birnir, Director of Center for Complex and Nonlinear Science at the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA: “The timing of global change“. 13.09.2019
- Professor David Grégoire, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France: “Upscaling (un)saturated transport properties in porous materials from pore size distributions”. 17.09.2019
- Dr. Quirine Krol, PhD from ETH Zürich, joining soon the College of Engineering, Montana State University in Bozeman, USA: “Evolution of snow microstructure”. 19.09.2019
- Professor Peter Daivis, School of Science cluster, Physics department, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia: “Anisotropic heat flow in shearing fluids by molecular dynamics simulations”. 02.10.2019
- Professor François Renard, Section of Physics of Geological Processes, Department of Geosciences University of Oslo, Norway, and ISTerre, University Grenoble Alpes & CNRS, France: “Advanced 4D imaging of geological processes using synchrotron and neutron microtomography”. 14.10.2019
- Dr. Nasiru Idowu, Chief reservoir engineer and Digital Rock Technology Expert at iRock Technologie, Trondheim, Norway: “Reducing uncertainties in measured petrophysical data with high resolution 2D/3D Images”. 23.10.2019
- Professor Dag Chun Standnes, Leading researcher at Equinor ASA & adjunct professor at University of Stavanger:”Molecular Fluid Fluctuations and Absolute Permeability of Porous Media”. 30.10.2019
- Diego Kingston, Ph.D. student in Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina: “Minimum entropy production in diabatic distillation columns using rate-based models“. 06.11.2019
- Daan Frenkel, NTNU Onsager Professor, University of Cambridge, UK: “Entropy and Complex Self-Assembly”. 07.11.2019.
- Erika Eiser, Professor, University of Cambridge, UK: “Particle transport in optically transparent colloidal gels”. 27.11.2019
- Olivier Rodriguez, Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer at Voxaya, France: “Latest development of the software Voxilon for Geosciences“. 03.12.2019
- Miguel Rubi, University of Barcelona, Spain: “Entropic origin of the deviations from Darcy’s law in porous media“. 04.12.2019
- Andrès Arango-Restrepo, PhD candidate, Departament de Física de la Matéria Condensada, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain: “Entropic transport for the delivery of nanoparticles“