Alex Hansen, PoreLab Director
Signe Kjelstrup, Principal Investigator PoreLab, Department of Chemistry, NTNU
PoreLab team and co-workers.
Center director Alex Hansen (in front), with Morten Dæhlen (to the left), Dean at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Oslo, and Øyvind Gregersen, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, NTNU.
Center vice Director, Knut Måløy, Principal Investigator PoreLab, Department of Physics, University of Oslo
Dick Bedeaux, Principal Investigator PoreLab, Department of Chemistry, NTNU
Ole Torsæter, Principal Investigator PoreLab, Department of Geoscience and Petroleum, NTNU
Eirik Grude Flekkøy, Principal Investigator PoreLab, Institute of Physics, University of Oslo
Øivind Wilhelmsen, NTNU, SINTEF Energy Research
Ursula Gibson, Department of Physics, NTNU
Per Arne Slotte, Department of Geoscience and Petroleum, NTNU
Dani Or, Soil and Terrestrial Environmental Physics, ETH, Zürich
Sarah Codd, Department of Physics, Montana State University
Mario Valavanides, School of Technol. Applications. Technological Educ. Institute of Athens.
Marcel Moura, Institute of Physics, University of Oslo
Joachim Mathiesen, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
Carl Fredrik Berg, Department of Geoscience and Petroleum, NTNU
Stéphane Santucci, CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Amiri Seyed Ali Ghoreishian, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, NTNU
Claire Chassagne, Delft University of Technology
Bjørn Hafskjold, Department of Chemistry, NTNU
Joe Seymour, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Montana State University.
Laurent Talon, CNRS, Laboratoire FAST, Université de Paris-Sud
Santanu Sinha, Department of Physics, NTNU, Beijing Computational Science Research Center
Bjørn Jamtveit, Physics of Geological processes, UiO
Renaud Toussaint, CNRS, Université de Strasbourg
Steinar Nordal, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU
Gustav Grimstad, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU
Geir Helgesen, Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), Kjeller
Dag Kristian Dysthe, Department of Physics, University of Oslo
Pål Erik Øren, CTO Digital Rock Services at Petricore Ltd
Majid Hassanizadeh, Utrecht University
Fridtjov Ruden, Ruden Geo Solutions AS.
Odne Stokke Burheim, Department of Energy and Process Engineering, NTNU
Jan Øystein Haavig Bakke, Schlumberger Stavanger
Claire Chassagne, Delft University of Technology, Delft and Anna Korre, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College
Srutarshi Pradhan, PoreLab
Purusattam Ray, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India (right)