28-30 June 2022 and July 1st, 2022

In 2020, an INTPART project on non-Newtonian Flow in Porous Media was allocated to PoreLab by the Research Council of Norway (RCN). The INTPART funding scheme is for creating an international partnership for excellent education, research and innovation. It supports the creation of an international research environment resulting in strong and lasting networks between the researchers.
The INTPART project on Non-Newtonian Flow in Porous Media was developed as a collaboration between Alex Hansen from PoreLab in Norway, Laurent Talon from the FAST laboratory and Alberto Rosso at the LPTMS, both at the University of Paris-Saclay in France, and José Soares Andrade Junior and Hans Herrmann from the Complex Systems Group at the Universidade Federal do Ceará in Brazil. The project aims at scaling up the description of flow of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media from pore scale to the continuum scale.
In addition to the exchange of Master students, PhDs, postdocs and researchers between the three laboratories, the project supports the organization of two main international workshops, the first one being planned in 2022 and the second one by the end of the project in 2024. The objective of these workshops is to bring together experts in different fields, complex fluids mechanics, porous media, statistical physics to share their different approaches and advances.
The first comprehensive workshop was organized on 28-30 June 2022 at the Hotel Gran Marquise in Fortaleza, Brazil immediately followed by a Symposium in Honor of José Soares Andrade Jr.’s 60th Birthday on July 1st, 2022. The workshop gathered experts invited by the organizing committee to give a lecture. They were coming not only from PoreLab (well represented with 10 researchers), the University of Paris-Saclay and UFC, but as well from ESPCI, Ecole Normale Supérieure and Ecole Polytechnique in France, ETH Zürich, the Universities of Barcelona in Spain, Lisboa in Portugal, Southern California in USA and British Colombia in Canada. Each lecturer was given 40 minutes which allowed plenty of time for questions and discussions.
The second workshop, larger, is planned on 14-19 July 2024 at the Banff International Research Station in Alberta, Canada. The lead organizer is Professor Ian Frigaard from the University of British Columbia who attended the workshop in Fortaleza. The workshop is supported by the three INTPART partners together with Purdue University and Princeton University.