Under this page you will find information about major workshops and seminars that PoreLab has been organizing, as well as our weekly open meetings such as PoreLab lectures series, Thursday Talks and a list of lectures presented by our guests. You will find as well information about our PoreLab Junior Forum, a forum which goal is to bring together the PhD candidates, the PostDocs and the researcher of the PoreLab center. We aim through these events to give plenty of opportunities to all for collaboration and engagement with our center.
The Research Council of Norway pays special attention to dissemination, and not only to the strictly scientific world but as well to a larger audience. Popularization of scientific results and promoting our science especially to the youths are particularly important for our center. Under this page you will find information about our activities towards this topic.
Conferences, Workshop, Seminars, Symposium

You find here a list of the major live events PoreLab has been organizing since its beginning. We have in addition the great privilege at PoreLab to host a number of invited delegations. A series of workshops were organized in parallel to these visits.
Promoting our science to the public

An important goal of PoreLab is to communicate its research and findings, as well as to increase the appreciation and understanding of science in general. Our aim is to reach both Norwegian and international audiences.
The members of PoreLab are accessible to media, and are encouraged to contribute their comments on issues to public concern whenever their expertise is applicable.
You find here a few examples for outreach.
PoreLab Junior Forum

The main goal of the PoreLab Junior forum is to bring together the community of PhDs, PostDocs and early career researchers of PoreLab into a single venue, with the objective of allowing them to better know each other personally and share their respective work/scientific interests.
Read more here
PoreLab Lecture Series
The PoreLab lecture series are organized alternating with the Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) on Wednesdays from 13:00 to 14:00. The series are held simultaneously in Oslo (UiO) and Trondheim (NTNU). The PoreLab lecture series are now almost always given by external lecturers.

Everyone are welcome to join and contribute. Contact: Marie-Laure Olivier, Marie-Laure.Olivier@ntnu.no, at NTNU or Janne Kvifte Hoff, j.k.hoff@mn.uio.no, at UiO.
All lectures can be found here
The PoreLab Journal Club

The idea of the Journal Club is to present a recent paper with a short preparation time, so that the juniors can learn how to read papers quickly, understand its main content, and explain it to others. The juniors are given a paper 1-2 days before the presentation. The PoreLab Journal Club are organized on Wednesdays at 13:00 alternating with the PoreLab lecture series.
Contact: Santanu Sinha – List of speakers and papers here
The Porous Media Tea Time Talks

The Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) is a webinar series meant to provide the worldwide porous media community with a practical outlet for the early career scientists to communicate and advertise their recent work and interact with the broader scientific community.
All Porous Media TTT here
Guest Researchers at PoreLab
The COVID-19 outbreak and following restrictions on travels led to a drastic drop in the number of visitors both in 2020 and 2021. We had 64 visitors in 2019, 14 in 2020 and only 7 in 2021. As the pandemic’s effects further reduce and restrictions are gradually lifted, it was a great pleasure to welcome again our guests at PoreLab. The number bounced back in 2022 with 46 guests visiting both PoreLab NTNU and PoreLab UiO

Guest researchers at PoreLab in 2023 here
Guest researchers at PoreLab in 2022 here
Guest researchers at PoreLab in 2021 here
Guest researchers at PoreLab in 2020 here
Guest researchers at PoreLab in 2019 here
Guest researchers at PoreLab in 2017/2018 here