PoreLab invites to a workshop on lattice-Boltzmann Modeling the 24. October. The focus of the workshop is the open-source Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Porous Media (LBPM) code published under the Open Porous Media (OPM) umbrella. The main developer of the LBPM code, James McClure (Virginia Tech), will participate in the workshop. See as well post: https://porelab.no/2019/09/12/workshop-planned-during-week-43-with-james-mcclure-from-virginia-tech/
Place: Sydområdet PTS Paviljong 1th floor, meeting-room 162
09.00-09.15: Welcome by Carl Fredrik Berg (NTNU).
09.15-10.00: Presentation by Thomas Ramstad (Equinor) on how LBPM is used internally at Equinor.
10.00-11.30: Hands-on tutorial for how to use LBPM for steady-state simulation of two-phase flow. Everyone how wants to participate in this part of the workshop needs to bring their own laptops with LBPM already installed. For installing LBPM, please follow the wiki on the github page: https://github.com/OPM/LBPM
11.30-12.00: Lunch
12:00-14:45: Minkowski functionals and porous media transport. We start by a presentation from Per Arne Slotte on work done in PoreLab. Then follows a presentation by James McClure on his work with respect to Minkowski measures. After the two presentations we will have a general discussion; what are the overarching goals for using Minkowski measures, what is it plausible to obtain, where do we go from where we are now?
14:45-15:00: Closure
In case we need to change venue, we need to have an estimate of the number of people participating. So, if you want to participate, please write your name into the linked spreadsheet:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14tQYlxl7smmBYBj1gKEC5_gr0Q20aK4NOtkR4y53EEU/edit?usp=sharing