InterPore is pleased to announce that InterPore Foundation would once again like to offer a number of conference grants to researchers from academic institutions from countries with low- or middle-income economies, as defined by the World Bank, and to graduate students.
In addition to paying the conference registration fees, the InterPore Foundation will provide up to €500 per recipient to go towards travel costs.
Applicants must have a presentation at InterPore2024 and current InterPore membership.
Application package should include:
- a copy of the CV and
- a statement of justification of no more than 1 A4 page, explaining how presentation in the conference will benefit the applicant’s academic development and career.
Students need also to provide a letter of support from supervisor or head of department.
Please send the full application package to no later than Thursday, February 29th.
The grants will be awarded based on applicants’ academic attainment and quality of their research abstracts.
More details are available on our conference website here: