Hao Gao has submitted the following academic thesis as a part of the doctoral work at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering:
«Thermo-hydro-mechanical Simulation of Frost Heave using Extended Finite Element Method»
For electronic version of the thesis: https://ntnuopen.ntnu.no/ntnu-xmlui/handle/11250/3126560
The Faculty has appointed the following Assessment Committee to assess the thesis:
- Professor Jelke Dijkstra, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden (1. Opponent)
- Associate Professor Claire Chassagne, TU Delft, The Netherlands (2. Opponent)
- Professor Gudmund R. Eiksund, NTNU
Professor Gudmund R. Eiksund, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU, has been appointed Administrator of the Committee.
The Committee recommends that the thesis is worthy of being publicly defended for the PhD degree.
The doctoral work has been carried out at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
The trial lecture will take place on 29th April at 10:15 in Disputasrommet, Gløshaugen on the following prescribed subject:
“Cyclic triaxial testing on sand and silt, test procedures and interpretations”
The public defence of the thesis takes place on 29. April at 13:15 in Disputasrommet. Gløshaugen.
Professor Gustav Grimstad, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, has been the candidate’s main supervisor. Researcher Seyed Ali Ghoreishian Amiri and Senior Researcher Elena Scibilia, both Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, have been the candidate’s co-supervisors.