Congratulations to Tage Maltby, Morten Hammer and Øivind Wilhlemsen. Their publication on “Equation of State for Solid Argon Valid for Temperatures up to 300 K and Pressures up to 16 GPa” was considered as noteworthy by the editors, and was chosen for the coverpage by the Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data in December 2024 (Vol. 53, Issue 4)
Tage Maltby is a PhD-student in the Thermodynamics group at NTNU and a PhD-candidate in PoreLab
In this publication, the authors present a new equation of state (EoS) for solid argon. The EoS is based on the quasi-harmonic approximation where a comprehensive collection of data is used in a parameter optimization. High accuracy over a wide range of pressures is ensured by representing the static energy with an interaction potential that includes three-body corrections. The model reproduces the molar volumes within an estimated uncertainty of 0.03% and is deemed to be valid up to pressures of 16 GPa and temperatures of 300 Kelvin. The authors use the model to predict the coexistence of solid argon in argon–hydrogen and argon–helium fluid mixtures nearly within experimental uncertainties! A feature which is highly relevant for the development of hydrogen liquefaction. The work was published in the Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference data where it was selected for the coverpage of the December issue (Volume 53, Issue 4).