You find in this page a list of the major live events PoreLab has been organizing since its beginning. We have in addition the great privilege at PoreLab to host a number of invited delegations. A series of workshops were organized in parallel to these visits.

The mission of the Norwegian Chapter of InterPore is to create a platform for scientists and engineers involved in porous media studies in Norway or with connection to Norway. The Norwegian Chapter of InterPore focuses on interdisciplinary and/or fundamental studies of porous media in connection with applications and national and international technological demands. It aims to advance and disseminate knowledge for the understanding, description, and modeling of natural and engineered porous media systems.
The Norwegian Chapter of InterPore (InterPore Norway) was founded in September 2016 with a kick-off workshop in Bergen. The annual workshop was conducted from 2017 in Trondheim, Oslo, Stavanger and Bergen, except in 2021, which was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the workshop, lectures in different disciplines of porous media were given by national and international invited speakers, followed by a poster session.
The 7th National Interpore Norway workshop on Porous Media will be organized on December 5th, 2024, in Stavanger. Registration here
The 6th National Interpore Norway workshop on Porous Media was organized on November 9th, 2023, at the Oslo Science Park Conference Center in Oslo. Agenda here.
The 5th National Interpore Norway Workshop on Porous Media was organized on December 1st, 2022, at NTNU, Trondheim. Agenda here
The 4th National Workshop on Porous Media was held in Bergen on December 1, 2021.
The 3rd National Workshop on Porous Media took place in Stavanger, on October 16, 2019.
The 2nd National Workshop on Porous Media took place in Oslo, on November 9, 2018.
The 1st National Workshop on Porous Media was held on October 18, 2017 in Trondheim at “NINA-huset” as a collaboration between NTNU, NGI and PoreLab. Read more here >>

The EarthFlows meeting is a two-day international conference, with the intention of bringing together top researchers from various disciplines (geoscience, mathematics, material science, theoretical and experimental physics), who have different perspectives on interface dynamics, flows and deformations during solid and fluid earth processes.
The seminar is funded by the Research Council of Norway (project COLOSSAL), the University of Oslo (project EarthFLows), and Equinor through the Akademia agreement (project MODIFLOW).
Workshop on Quick Clay Stabilisation

8 December 2023
The first workshop (WS) of the Sustainable, Stable Ground (SSG) project took place in Trondheim on December 8th, 2023. About 30 participants attended the WS, where the recent findings from the SSG project were shared through 6 lectures presented by the researchers involved in the project. The lectures followed by discussions involving both the audience and the scientific advisory board of the project. As the project is still in its early stages, the workshop focused specifically on clay-clay and clay-cement interactions.
The SSG project is a collaborative initiative between NTNU and NGI, funded by the Research Council of Norway through its Large-Scale Interdisciplinary Research Projects scheme. This project, which commenced in mid-2022, operates within Theme 4 “Nanoporous Media and Gels” of PoreLab.
Quick clay is the main cause of significant landslides in Norway, posing substantial challenges to infrastructure development projects. Current ground improvement methods in these areas rely on deep-mixing technology, involving the use of thousands of tons of lime and cement. The considerable carbon footprint associated with lime and cement production makes the carbon inventory of large infrastructure projects in Norway very high. The primary objective of this project is to revolutionize deep-mixing technology by incorporating sustainable alternatives derived from waste materials, thereby establishing a circular economy. To achieve this ambitious goal, we are undertaking interdisciplinary research with a bottom-up approach, combining experimental and modeling methods across scales and disciplines.

PoreLab delegation to SFB1313 at the University of Stuttgart
12 to 14 June 2023

Postdoctoral fellow Morten Hammer and Professor Øivind Wilhelmsen spent 3 months during the spring 2022 at the University of Stuttgart visiting the research group of Professor Joachim Groß, head of the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics and Thermal Process Engineering, to learn about density functional theory for fluids, perturbation theory and collaborate on topics such as quantum fluids in porous media.
This research stay initiated further collaboration and a delegation of the Principal Investigators (PIs) at PoreLab visited SFB 1313, a collaborative research center funded by the German Research Foundation, for a 2-day meeting in Stuttgart in the period 12 to 14 June 2023. SFB 1313’ s topic is on Interface-driven multi field processes in porous media – flow, transport, and deformation. The meeting was meant to discuss common interests on the science of porous media between PoreLab and SFB 1313. The agenda included a presentation of SFB1313 by its chairman, Professor Rainer Helmig, as well as a presentation of several project areas presented by their respective PIs, i.e. Professors Holger Steeb, Holger Class, Joachim Groß and Bernd Flemish. PoreLab’s PIs presented PoreLab’s research themes. The last day was reserved for discussion in smaller groups and possible cooperations.
Workshop on Upscaling
1-4 May 2023
An informal workshop on upscaling was organized at PoreLab, NTNU in Trondheim on May 1-4, 2023. The agenda was organized with ample time for discussion after each talk and ample time for general discussions. Our invited guests were: Ryan Armstrong from the University of New South Wales in Australia, James McClure from Virginia Tech in USA, Saman Aryana from the University in Wyoming in USA, Steffen Berg from Shell Global Solutions in the Netherlands, Maja Rücker from Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, Subhadeep Roy from Birla Institute of Technology in India and Thomas Ramstad from Equinor. A large part of PoreLab attended the workshop. This workshop was a major success, its format allowed plenty of time for discussion and it was decided to repeat it.
The program is here.

Flow and deformation across scale – the first meeting under the COLOSSAL project
13-17 March 2023

The 4-day meeting entitled “Flow and Deformation Across Scale” is the first meeting organized under the COLOSSAL project (see PoreLab annual report 2020 page 50), a project financed by the Research Council of Norway under the INTPART program. The workshop was postponed due to the pandemic and was finally organized in Brazil at the Marupiara Resort Porto de Galinhas in the period 13-17 March 2023. The week was organized around lots of interesting presentations and networking activities for the 37 participants from Brazil, France, USA and Norway, from nine different universities. The COLOSSAL project is indeed an interdisciplinary collaboration bringing together researchers from 9 different universities in 4 countries (Brazil, France, USA and Norway).
The primary objective of this partnership is to build the educational and research framework needed to develop a world-leading collaboration on fluid flow in porous and fractured media, with applications to groundwater, geohazards, georesources, and environmental science.
The educational secondary objectives are to provide students with skills, competence, and experience in cross-disciplinary collaborations, combining specialized proficiency in experimental and observational methods, data analyzes and computer science.
Agenda is here
Workshop on Non-Newtonian Flow in Porous Media in Fortaleza, Brazil, and Symposium in Honor of José Soares Andrade Jr.’s 60th Birthday
28-30 June 2022 and July 1st, 2022

Relive the best moments of this event here
Workshop on Computational Methods in Nanothermodynamics – Case studies of porous media, small systems and ionic liquids
8 April 2022

Together with the chair of engineering thermodynamics in TU Delft, the thermodynamics group at NTNU have already since the beginning of PoreLab, developed computational methods, aimed to study confined fluids in porous media. The textbook Nanothermodynamics. General theory by Dick Bedeaux, Signe Kjelstrup and Sondre Schnell serves as one theoretical basis for the effort. The joint effort is now branching out into numerous applications. A central joint topic with the group in Delft, led by Professor Thijs Vlugt, is the study of two-phase equilibria of fluids confined to slit and cylindrical pores. Several PhD students from PoreLab (Olav Galteland, Vilde Bråten, Michael Rauter) have made considerable progress on this topic. The workshop brings together simulators positioned in both countries to exchange ideas, methods, discuss problems and possible ways out of these. I 2022, the workshop entitled “Computational Methods in Nanothermodynamics – Case studies of porous media, small systems and ionic liquids” was organized on April 8th by Vilde Bråten together with Signe Kjelstrup. Our long-term partners from the section for Engineering Thermodynamics at Delft University, the Applied Physics group at the Eindhoven University and the Thermodynamics group at the department of chemistry and PoreLab gathered in Trondheim. The day started with presentations from the different groups. The traditional free discussion in small and big groups at the end of the seminar was appreciated in particular, and the round-off with delicious food at Troll restaurant is beginning to get famous. The agenda can be found here.
Welcome next time!
IMT 14 – 14th International Meeting on Thermodiffusion
25-27 May 2021, NTNU

The 14th International meeting, IMT 14, is part of a series which has been arranged every second year since 1994. IMT provides a unique opportunity for sharing ideas about theoretical, experimental, and numerical research on Diffusion and Thermal Diffusion. The series is aimed at discussing the latest results on transport properties in multicomponent fluids: innovative theoretical approaches, new experimental results and techniques as well as state of the art numerical methods. The most fundamental aspect of the conference is the discussion amongst scientists, the sharing of ideas and creating new and reinforced existing collaborations. The 14th meeting was organized at NTNU, Trondheim, in May 25-27, 2021. It was planned originally in 2020 but due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the event was postponed to 2021. It was organized as a digital event with pre-recorded videos. Professor Bjørn Hafskjold was leading the local organizing committee mainly composed of PoreLab members. 43 abstracts and 10 posters were presented with a large representation from PoreLab members. The international scientific committee for IMT 14 agreed with the European Physical Journal E (EPJE) to make a topical issue on Thermal non-equilibrium phenomena in fluid mixtures. It will be published in 2022 and its purpose is to present recent advances to the wider scientific communities.
More information on IMT 14 here
Information on IMT 15 (29 May – 1 June 2023) here
2nd Machine Learning Workshop hosted by PoreLab/IGP at NTNU
16 April 2021

On May 16th, Friday, 2021, PoreLab at IGP (Department of Geoscience and petroleum), NTNU, organized the 2nd machine learning workshop. Most participants were from PoreLab and BRU21, as well from NGU, Equinor and Petricore. The workshop was organized in a hybrid format. External participants from PoreLab/IGP joined online. In total, there were 6 talks. Professor Ivan Tyukin from the Department of Mathematics, University of Leicester, gave an open presentation about instabilities in high-dimensional data-driven AI systems. Three talks were focusing on core analysis problems, i.e., measurements of fluid flow through rock samples. This involves high-resolution images of rock samples, and simulations of fluid flow directly on these images. The last two talks focused on larger scales, typically oil reservoirs. The aim for this workshop was to give the opportunities to master and PhD students to present their works, to learn from other research groups, especially from industries about the demand and the application area of machine learning techniques, and to open the network with other research groups who were working on machine learning topics. The agenda is here.
Anniversary Seminar on Porous Media in Courmayeur
27-30 January 2020

To celebrate the 60 year anniversary of professor at Njord and Deputy Director of PoreLab SFF Knut Jørgen Måløy, PoreLab hosted a three day seminar in the Italian alps from January 27-30, 2020.
The conference took place in Courmayeur in the Italian alps, with 20 speakers who have all been collaborators of Knut Jørgen through his many years of research on porous media
Workshop in honor of Dr Tom Bultrey, winner of the InterPore – PoreLab Award for young researchers in 2019
13 January 2020

Dr. Tom Bultreys, from Ghent University, Belgium, came for a short visit at PoreLab Trondheim from January 13 to 17, 2020. A workshop was organized in his honor on January 13, 2020. The agenda can be found here. He came to visit different PoreLab teams and to scope out specific collaborative projects. The program for his visit can be found here.
Workshop on Lattice-Boltzmann Modeling
24 October 2019

On October 24th, PoreLab organized a workshop on Lattice-Boltzmann modeling. The focus of the workshop was the open-source Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Porous Media (LBPM) code published under the Open Porous Media (OPM) umbrella. The main developer of the LBPM code, James McClure (Virginia Tech), participated to the workshop. The workshop took place at: Sydområdet PTS Paviljong 1th floor, meeting-room 162. Agenda and more information can be found here.
Worshop on Molecular Simulation and Small System Thermodynamics
4 October 2019

On October 4th, PoreLab together with the department of Chemistry and the department of Materials Science and Engineering will welcome Professor Thijs Vlugt and his colleagues from TU Delft and host a workshop on Molecular Simulation and Small System Thermodynamics. Find the program here
International Workshop on Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Porous Media
29-30 August 2019

The PoreLab workshop on Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Porous Media, on the occasion of Signe Kjelstrup’s 70th birthday, was a great success. More than 50 people attended.
Relive the best moments of this event here: Click here >>
Delegation from the Engineering Thermodynamics group at Delft University at PoreLab Trondheim
14-15 March 2019

On March the 14th and 15th, 2019, a delegation from the Engineering Thermodynamics group from the University of Delft, the Netherlands, visited PoreLab Trondheim.
More information here
Delegation from ERICA at PoreLab Trondheim
7-8 March 2019

On March the 7 and 8th, 2019, PoreLab Trondheim organized a workshop with members of the ERICA network. ERICA stands for “Engineered calcium-silicate-hydrates for applications” and is a project of the type MSCA-ITN-ETN – European Training Networks financed by EU H2020. It is coordinated by the University of Surrey.
More information here
Canadian delegation at NTNU/IGP and PoreLab Trondheim
14-15 November 2018

Professor Steven Bryant, from the Chemical and Petroleum Engineering faculty at the University of Calgary, is the University’s first Canada Excellence Research Chair in Materials Engineering for Unconventional Oil reservoirs (CERC). He was accompanied by Dr Marie Macquet, Dr. Somayeh Goodarzi, Dr. Ali Telmadarreie and Ellen Liu, during his visit at NTNU/IGP, Equinor, SINTEF and NTNU/PoreLab.
Japanese delegation at PoreLab Trondheim
8 October 2018

PoreLab Trondheim received the visit of a Japanese delegation with Professor Koji Amezawa, Professor Yasuhiro Fukunaka, Ass. Professor Yuta Kimura and Ass. Professor Hironori Nakajima.
Read information about the day here
SCA Annual Symposium
26 – 31 August 2018

The 32nd International Symposium annual meeting of Society of Core Analysts was held in Trondheim, Norway. The symposium took place this year at the Radisson Blue Royal Garden Hotel. This event brings together specialists on core analysis and allows to uncover the newest improvements in Fundamental Sciences, Analytics and Core Analysis.
The conference chair was Carl Fredrik Berg, PI at PoreLab.
Society of Core Analysts is a professional organization for petrophysicists and others that work with porous materials. More information on the Society of Core Analysts here.
CRSC (Beijing) visits QuSpin and PoreLab
18 – 20 June 2018

A delegation of nine visiting professors from the Beijing Computational Research Science Center (CRSC) visited PoreLab in Trondheim between June the 18th and 20th. They were visiting as well our colleagues from the Center of Excellence QuSpin.
A workshop opened for all was organised on June the 19th. Find the agenda in the link below: Agenda_CRSC_visit.pdf
Workshop on Deformation, Flow and Fracture of Disordered Materials
8 and 9 November 2017, University of Oslo
Find the agenda here: Agenda_Workshop_Deformation_Flow_Fracture.pdf
The Grand Opening of PoreLab
September 6-8, 2017

Relive the best moments of our major PoreLab kick-off meeting. The opening was organized on September 6-8, 2017 in Oslo. Relive the best moments of this event here