Dr. Nasiru Idowu, Chief reservoir engineer and Digital Rock Technology Expert at iRock Technologie (www.irocktech.com) , Trondheim, will give a presentation on “Reducing uncertainties in measured petrophysical data with high resolution 2D/3D Images” on Octobre 23rd, at 14:15, in PTS1, Room P11.
Dr. Nasiru Idowu holds a PhD from Imperial college (2009). Since then he has been working in digital rock physics field for more than 10 years. Everyone is welcome to join the presentation and the discussion.
Date and Time: Wednesday, October 23rd, 14:15
Speaker: Dr. Nasiru Idowu,
Location: PTS1, P11
Title: Reducing uncertainties in measured petrophysical data with high resolution 2D/3D images
Routine core analysis data – porosity, permeability and mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) – on 25 carbonate reservoir samples from three producing Abu Dhabi reservoirs/fields are evaluated in this study. Measured porosity and permeability range from 6 – 32 % and 0.07 – 840 mD respectively depicting a high degree of heterogeneity in these samples. Despite these heterogeneities, a high level of consistency is observed in the porosity and permeability values from both conventional measurement and those estimated from the MICP. For some samples however, there are huge uncertainties of more than a factor of 10 in permeability values.
Analysis of the experimental MICP data shows that all the samples can be classified (rock-typed) into two main groups based on their permeability values and pore-throat size distributions. However, some samples show inconsistencies.
For a better understanding of the measured data and to resolve the apparent uncertainties in them, multiscale high resolution two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) images were acquired on these samples. Analysis and interpretation of these images with iRock’s proprietary RockDNA techniques provided both qualitative and quantitative information for each sample. Porosity values from the images were partitioned into vuggy, macro- and micro-porosity and permeability values were computed at both nano and micron levels.
Integration of this information with measured data and those estimated from MICP reveal that the differences/inconsistencies observed are due mainly either to macro and/or micro fracture permeating the samples or non-inclusion of the vuggy/macro part of the samples in the MICP experiments. Digitized MICP results from the three-dimensional images provided additional data that was missing from the experimental MICP and help to resolve the inconsistencies and refine the initial rock typing.
Thus, integrating qualitative and quantitative petrophysical data derived from high resolution two- or three-dimensional images can help in reducing inherent uncertainties in traditional measurements, providing additional data to bridge the missing links in existing information and resolving inconsistencies. The refined dataset can then be used to extend the robustness of the reservoir models for better history matching and reservoir management.