Congratulations to Ailo!
Ailo Aasen’s PhD thesis has been awarded the Excellence Award in Thermodynamics and Transport Properties from the European Federation of Chemical Engineers (EFCE). His supervisors were Prof. Øivind Wilhelmsen (PoreLab) and Dr. Morten Hammer (SINTEF Energy Research). This prize is awarded to one PhD thesis every other year.
The thesis is entitled Bulk and interfacial thermodynamics of mixtures: From aqueous systems to ultracryogenic fluids.
The judging committee of EFCE’s Thermodynamics and Transport Properties Working Party was highly complementary of the technical quality of Aasen’s work, which included his innovative approach to include quantum effects into classical Helmholtz energy equations of state. The thesis also focused heavily on fluid interfaces, and his work on nucleation of fluid mixtures featured in PoreLab’s Annual Report 2019.
Ailo will receive the prize at the European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics (ESAT) on June 6, 2021. It consists of a diploma, a cash prize, and the opportunity to present his work in a plenary talk.
Ailo performed large parts of his PhD thesis at PoreLab. Today he works at SINTEF Energy Research and continues his presence at PoreLab through collaboration with PoreLab Principal Investigator Øivind Wilhelmsen.
To find out more, read the EFCE press release