InterPore Norway – 1 December 2021

InterPore Norway is providing a platform for the Norwegian porous media researchers/scientists to come together and exchange ideas. For this reason, InterPore Norway arranges an annual workshop for all that are interested in porous media research and technology.

The workshop, hosted by NORCE Norwegian Research Centre and the University of Bergen, is free of charge and open to all. It will be an in-person event only.

More information about the program and registration can be found here.

Speakers and titles

Sorin Pop (University of Hasselt, Belgium)
Upscaling pore-scale models for two-phase flow: The effects of surfactants and of contact angles

Ingeborg Gjerde (Simula, Oslo)
Reduced models for fluid flow in the brain

Rainer Helmig (University of Stuttgart)
A multi-scale approach for porous-medium interaction including drop formations

Nazanin Jahani (NORCE)
Modeling of Acid Stimulated Chalk Reservoirs: Coupled Fluid Flow and Elasto-Plastic Damage Analysis

Pål Østebø Andersen (University of Stavanger)
New best practice for correcting relative permeability core flood experiments for capillary end effects

Bergit Brattekås (University of Bergen)
Gaining insight to the inside- utilizing PET imaging to visualize fluid flow in opaque porous media

Carl Fredrik Berg (NTNU, Trondheim)
Approximating free energy change for imaged displacement processes to assess wettability