Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture!
Who: Professor Ian Frigaard from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
When: Wednesday November 15 at 13:00 (Norway time).
Where: The lecture will be streamed in the Kelvin room (PoreLab Oslo) and in the common room (PoreLab Trondheim). From anywhere else, you will be able to join via the following Zoom link:https://uio.zoom.us/j/65837085049?pwd=WjZianUyN3FJa2liQkxBbzQrOCtGdz09
Title: Handling Uncertainty in the Squeeze Cementing Process
Well leakage is a common occurrence worldwide, contributing to GHG emissions. The most common pathways for leakage are thought to be narrow microannular spaces that form after well cementing due to shrinkage and debonding. Microannuli allow slow seepage (eventually to surface) through irregular pathways. The process of remediating leakage is called squeeze cementing. It involves injection of microfine cement slurries into the microannuli through larger circular holes (perforations) in the side of the well. As with many porous media flows, the injection geometry is largely unknown and the injection takes place with limited opportunity for measurement. The cement slurry is typically viscoplastic, creating further complications. Here we show how the process has been modelled and our first attempts to account for the uncertainty in making predictions of the efficiency of the sealing operation. Joint work with Mahdi Izadi, Elizabeth Trudel and Emad Chaparian