Category Archives: PoreLab Lecture Series

PoreLab lecture with Professor Lesley James on comparing supercritical CO2-brine to N2-brine steady-state relative permeability curves for a description of multiphase flow in subsurface reservoirs targeting carbon storage

Who: Professor Lesley James, from Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada When:  Thursday 6 February 2025 at 13:00 CET (Norway time). Where: The lecture will be in person in the common room (PoreLab Trondheim). From anywhere else, you will be able to join via the following Zoom link: Title: Comparing supercritical CO2-brine to N2-brine steady-state relative permeability curves

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PoreLab lecture with Dr. Laurent Talon on the flow of yield stress fluid in porous media : statistical properties, universality class and boundary conditions

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! Who: Laurent Talon is a researcher at the Laboratory FAST (Fluides, Automatique et Systèmes Thermiques) at the University of Paris-Saclay, France When:  Wednesday 4 December at 13:00 CET (Norway time). Where: The lecture will be streamed both in the Kelvin room (PoreLab Oslo) and in the common room (PoreLab Trondheim). From anywhere

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PoreLab lecture with Associate Professor Davide Picchi on Motion of an elongated bubble through a shear-thinning fluid

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! Who: Davide Picchi Davide Picchi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Brescia. His background is in theoretical thermal-fluid sciences and his research integrates theory development and experiments to investigate transport phenomena in multiphase flow and complex fluids in confined environments.  When:  Wednesday 18 December at 13:00 CET (Norway time). Where: The lecture will be streamed both

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PoreLab lecture with Dr. Thomas Ramstad on Aspects of Relative Permeability: Theory, Applications and Limitations

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! Who: Dr. Thomas Ramstad, discipline leader reservoir technology in Area Subsurface Development North (ASDN) in Equinor When:  Wednesday 20 November at 13:00 (Norway time). Where: The lecture will take place on Wednesday 20 November at 13:00 (Norway time). The lecture will be streamed in the common room (PoreLab Trondheim) and  in the

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PoreLab lecture with Paolo Botticini on Compressibility-induced destabilisation of falling liquid films: an integral approach

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! Who: PhD candidate Paolo Botticini from Università degli Studi di Brescia (Italy) When:  Wednesday 13 November at 13:00 (Norway time). Where: The lecture will be streamed both in the Kelvin room (PoreLab Oslo) and in the common room (PoreLab Trondheim). From anywhere else, you will be able to join via the following Zoom

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PoreLab lecture with Professor Pietro De Anna on flow, transport and mixing limited (bio-)processes in confined & heterogeneous media

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! Who: Professor Pietro De Anna from the Institute of Earth Sciences (ISTE) of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland Professor Pietro De Anna is physicist. He got a Master from the University of Florence (Italy) in Statistical Mechanics and a PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of Rennes 1 (France), where he

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PoreLab lecture with Reza Haghani on multiphase modeling using phase field method

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! Who: Reza Haghani, PhD candidate at the Department of Geosciences / PoreLab at NTNU Reza’s research is about pore-scale modeling of multiphase fluid flow inside porous media using the lattice Boltzmann method. Various phenomena, including capillary entry pressures, layer flow, snap-off, cooperative pore-body filling, and trapping in multiphase flow, happen

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PoreLab lecture with Professor Einat Aharonov on the importance of seepage forces in soil-liquefaction

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! Who: Einat Aharonov, Professor at the Institute of Earth Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Aharonov’s research group studies coupled physical and chemical processes that control deformation and evolution of rocks. Most of her research focuses on how relatively small-scale processes (on the pore, grain, or asperity scale) control

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PoreLab lecture with Prescelli Annan on October 2nd.

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! Who: Prescelli Annan, doctoral student at the Swiss Seismological Service (SED), ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Prescelli is using numerical modelling to cross-correlate datasets varying in scale from lab to field, in the context of CO2 sequestration. Her Ph.D. is part of the SMILE project (MultidiSciplinary and MultIscale approach for coupLed processes induced

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PoreLab lecture with Professor Ranjini Bandyopadhyay on September 11th

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! Who: Prof. Ranjini Bandyopadhyay from the Raman Research Institute (Bengaluru, India). When: Wednesday 11 September at 13:00 (Norway time). Where: The lecture will be streamed in the Kelvin room (PoreLab Oslo) and in the common room (PoreLab Trondheim). From anywhere else, you will be able to join via the following Zoom link: Title: Distinct morphologies

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PoreLab lecture with Professor Gloria Maria Buendia on September 4th

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! Who: Prof. Gloria Maria Buendia from the department of Physics at Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas in Venezuela When: Wednesday 4 September at 13:00 (Norway time). Where: The lecture will be in-person in the Kelvin room (PoreLab Oslo) and will be streamed in the common room (PoreLab Trondheim). From anywhere else, you will be able to join

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