The PoreLab course 1 on ” Theory and simulation of flows in complex media ” will be organized during the fall semester 2019. The courses are held in Oslo at the PoreLab video communication room in the Physics Building, University of Oslo, with a video connection in Trondheim from our meeting room at our PoreLab offices (S.P. Andersens vei 15 B, PTS2, 2nd floor.) every Tuesday (lectures) and Thursday (Group teaching) from 12:15 to 14:00.
Professor Eirik Flekkøy is the lecturer for this course.
First lecture is on August 20th and first group teaching in on August 29th.
PoreLab course 1: FYS4465/FYS9465 at UiO or KJ8210 at NTNU
Theory and simulation of flows in complex media
Background assumed: Equilibrium statistical mechanics. Some students may know about diffusion/Langevin equations/basic theory of Onsager reciprocity relations, others will know the Boltzmann equation. Goal: Bring the student to understand the hydrodynamics of flows in porous media, including thermal gradients and concentration gradients. Also, the student will get a toolbox to simulate the flow in porous media on different scales. The course will support the experimental course in PoreLab.