We are happy to invite you to our next Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) session at 28.07.2020 at 3 pm Oslo time/local time on:
Please find attached a banner with info on the presentations. We remind that questions are very welcome and can be sent during the presentations using the comment field on YouTube. You will not disrupt the speaker if you do that, the chairs will only read the questions after the presentation, so you can fell comfortable to send them anytime you like.
The two presentations are:
Visualization of viscoelastic polymer solution in porous media using microfluidics
By: Eseosa Ekanem, Imperial College London, UK
- Viscoelastic polymers flowing in porous media undergo significant stretching due to the converging-diverging geometry.
- These polymers become stretched faster than they can relax leading to regions of stable and unstable flow fields.
- These stable and unstable flow fields occur at low Reynold’s number below 1 and are characterised by regions of flow focussing and elastic instabilities respectively.
Pore-Scale Modelling of Nucleation and Growth in Porous Media: A Probabilistic Approach
By: Mohammad Masoudi, University of Oslo, Norway
- We developed a new probabilistic nucleation model and implemented it into a pore-scale reactive transport solver to simulate the mineral nucleation and growth in porous media.
- Simulations are performed for different supersaturations, growth rates, and flow rates to see their effect on the nucleation process.
- The place of the nucleation of the secondary minerals and the way that the formed nucleus grow in porous media have major effects on the porosity-permeability relation.
The goal of the Porous Media TTT is to act as a complimentary platform to the already very successful Geoscience and Geoenergy webinars with the focus placed on young professionals.
This year is bringing in many new challenges to the worldwide porous media community, and those challenges can be particularly harsh against those of us at an early career stage. As conferences worldwide are being cancelled or postponed, many of us are found with little practical outlet to advertise our recent work and interact with the broader scientific community. With that in mind, we, a team of 5 young porous media researchers from 5 different groups, have decided to create a virtual outlet, the Porous Media Tea Time Talks to help fill in that gap in form of a regular webinar.
The 30 min webinar, including two presentations (2 x 10 + 5 min) from speakers of different institutes, will occur fortnightly at varying times to accommodate researchers from around the world.
Please feel free to share and forward the invite.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you online!
Best regards, Marcel Moura on behalf of the PorousMediaTTT team:
Maja Rücker, Imperial College London, UK
Kamaljit Singh, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Tom Bultreys, Ghent University, Belgium
Mohammad Nooraiepour, University of Oslo, Norway
Marcel Moura, PoreLab, University of Oslo, Norway