The PorousMediaTTT Team is happy to invite you to the first Porous Media Tea Time Talks of 2021 (#PorousMediaTTT). The session will be on 9th February 2021 at 10:30 Oslo time localtime on: .
The two presentations are:
Effects of pore-size correlation length on two-phase flow and transport properties
By: Senyou An, University of Manchester, UK
- The generation of pore network with specific statistic information.
- How the pore-size correlation length affects two-phase flow and transport.
- A semi-analytical equation for the estimation of mass transfer across porous media.
Impact of matrix deformation on drying of granular materials
By: Oshri Borgman, Université de Rennes 1, France
- We study drying in deformable granular media by coupling a pore-network model for fluid displacement and a micro-mechanical model for grain displacement
- We capture the impact of grain displacement on the emergence of preferential drying patterns
- Lower pore size heterogeneity and lower confining stress of the granular material promote preferential drying and maintain higher drying rates
The PorousMediaTTT Team is:
- Maja Rücker, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL
- Catherine Spurin, Imperial College London, UK
- Kamaljit Singh, Heriot-Watt University, UK
- Tom Bultreys, Ghent University, Belgium
- Arjen Mascini, Ghent University, Belgium
- Mohammad Nooraiepour, University of Oslo, Norway
- Marcel Moura, PoreLab, University of Oslo, Norway
- Nara Santos, Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil
- Javier A. E. Santos, University of Texas at Austin, USA