Our guest, Prof. Sauro Succi, from IIT-CLNS, Harvard University and University College London, is visiting PoreLab at NTNU next week. He will present his research on “From Softmat to Dropmat: computer explorations of droplet-based states of flowing matter” on August 29th at 14:00 (Trondheim time) at PoreLab premises.
The title and abstract for his presentation can be found below.
From Softmat to Dropmat: computer explorations of droplet-based states of flowing matter
Major progresses in experimental microfluidics in the last decades have spawned the opportunity to realize and explore new states of droplet-based soft flowing matter, such as foams, high-density disordered and hierarchical emulsions along with various types of soft granular flows. Besides their numerous applications in science, engineering and life sciences, these novel states of matter raise new challenges to non-equilibrium statistical physics because their mechanical and rheological properties cannot be traced back to those of the three fundamental ones: liquid, gas and solid. In this talk I shall present selected computer simulations and machine-learning algorithms which help shedding light into these new fascinating states of soft flowing matter.