PoreLab researcher Marcel Moura, special guest at the Brazilian radio “Cultura”

Dr. Marcel Moura, Researcher at PoreLab Oslo, was a special guest for an hour-long radio program in Brazil on October 29th. He was interviewed in relation with recent oil spill along the Brazilian coasts.

Image credit: Reuters

Brazil is going through a tremendous environmental disaster: more than 2000 km of its pristine beaches have been affected by a massive spill of crude oil (additional info here https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-50223106). The spill has hit more than 250 beaches and up to the moment more than 2000 tonnes of oil have been recovered in a country-wide cleanup operation. PoreLab researcher Marcel Moura was invited for an hour-long radio program in Brazil to discuss the issue. Marcel has exposed how scientific knowledge derived from previous oil spills can be useful in deciding an effective plan of action to clean the affected beaches. A crucially important step is to identify the source of the spill. Marcel has explained how numerical simulations performed at some of Brazil’s best universities are helping to define the time and location of the initial spill, an information that can be correlated with ship routes to identify the agent responsible for it.

Image credit: Reuters