PoreLab lecture with Professor Rosangela Barros Zanoni Lopes Moreno on Petroleum at Unicamp, LABORE Research Group, and Opportunities for Collaboration

Welcome to the next lecture in the PoreLab Lecture Series for the semester.

Who: Professor Rosangela Barros Zanoni Lopes Moreno from School of Mechanical Engineering at University of CAMPINAS, Unicamp, where she is coordinator of the Petroleum Sciences and Engineering Program and coordinator of LABORE Research Group

When: Wednesday 10 May at 10:00 (Oslo time)

Where: on zoom  https://uio.zoom.us/j/65837085049?pwd=WjZianUyN3FJa2liQkxBbzQrOCtGdz09

Title: Petroleum at Unicamp, LABORE Research Group, and Opportunities for Collaboration


This presentation includes a fast description of the Graduate Program in Sciences and Petroleum Engineering at Unicamp and an introduction to one of the attached laboratory research groups – LABORE. The facilities and research developed by Laboratory for Oil Reservoir will be presented. The main results and interest in rock and fluid characterization, wellbore-reservoir coupling, and enhanced oil recovery by polymer flooding will be shortly summarized. The main goal of this presentation/ visit is open discussions for mutual collaboration between NTNU and UNICAMP