Author Archives: PoreLab

Welcome to Yuequn!

Dr. Yuequn Fu joined PoreLab at UiO in June 2022 as Postdoctoral fellow. Yuequn has a Bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Qingdao University, and a Master degree in chemical engineering from the China University of Petroleum in Beijing. He got his PhD degree on “Atomistic insights to interfacial dynamics” from the Departement of Structural Engineering at

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Prof. Signe Kjelstrup has been awarded with the Michael L. Michelsen award – Congratulation!

The European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) has named Signe Kjelstrup, professor emerita of physical chemistry at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, as the laureate of the 2022 EFCE Michael L. Michelsen Award. The honor, previously called the Distinguished Lecture on Thermodynamics and Transport Properties, is conferred every two years by

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PoreLab paper on “Localised structuring of metal-semiconductor cores in silica clad fibres using laser-driven thermal gradients” published in Nature Communication

The paper from Seunghan Song and al.  on “Localised structuring of metal-semiconductor cores in silica clad fibres using laser-driven thermal gradients” was accepted and published under Nature Communications. Congratulations!  Abstract: The molten core drawing method allows scalable fabrication of novel core fibres with kilometre lengths. With metal and semiconducting components combined in a glass-clad fibre,

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PoreLab lecture on “Gas Diffusion Layers with Patterned Wettability for Next-generation Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells” by Dr. Antoni Forner Cuenca

PoreLab is pleased to host Dr. Antoni Forner Cuenca from TU Eindhoven on Wednesday 18th May for the next PoreLab lecture series. Antoni is a brilliant scientist in porous media and mainly works on new applications of the field such as Fuel cells, redox batteries and etc… When: Wednesday 18 May at 13:00 Where: Join Zoom

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Welcome to Paula!

Dr. Paula Reis joined PoreLab at the University of Oslo in April 2022 as Postdoctoral fellow. Her position is financed for 2 years by the project FlowConn: Connectivity enhancement due to thin liquid  films in porous media flows. FlowConn is financed by the Research Council of Norway and is part of the program “Researcher project

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PoreLab guest lecture on “From nanofluidics to geological reservoir simulations: a molecular simulation perspective”

Professor Guillaume Galliero from the Laboratory of Complex Fluids and their Reservoirs at the Université de Pau et des pays de l’Adour, France, will hold a lecture on “From nanofluidics to geological reservoir simulations: a molecular simulation perspective” When: Wednesday, May 11 at 08:15 Where: Onsager meeting room (Realfagbygget, D3-114) Abstract: From nanofluidics to geological

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Defense of thesis: Olav Galteland

Defense of thesis 10 May: Olav Galteland – Faculty of Natural Sciences, NTNU OLAV GALTELAND – THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY   Olav Galteland has submitted the following academic thesis as part of the doctoral work at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU): “Nanothermodynamics and molecular simulations of fluids in porous media”   Assessment

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Open Postdoctoral position in molecular-dynamics simulations of non-ideal superlubric contacts of 2D materials

There is a a vacancy for a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Materials Group at Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. We are looking for a candidate with a background in non-equilibrium molecular-dynamics, ideally, but not necessarily, with experience in surface science or nano-scale friction.  The position is part of the EIC Pathfinder project SSLiP (Scaling SuperLubricity

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The paper entitled “Perturbation theories for fluids with short-ranged attractive forces: A case study of the Lennard-Jones spline fluid” was recently selected to be Editors Pick and ended up at the cover of the Journal of Chemical Physics.

Congratulations to Øivind Wilhelmsen, Bjørn Hafskjold, Morten Hammer and Ailo Aasen! Their recent paper, Perturbation theories for fluids with short-ranged attractive forces: A case study of the Lennard-Jones spline fluid ended up on the cover of the Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 156, Issue 10. It was also awarded with Editors pick!  In the paper, researchers from

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PoreLab lecture on “The impact of bentonite-slurry-infiltration on the hydro-mechanical parameters of granular soil in the context of hydroshield tunnelling”

Peyman Mianji is visiting PoreLab Trondheim from Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany working with Dr. Ali Ghoreishian. He will briefly present us his PhD research during the coffee morning on Friday 11th March, at 10:00 (Trondheim time). Title: The impact of bentonite-slurry-infiltration on the hydro-mechanical parameters of granular soil in the context of hydroshield tunnelling Abstract: Slurry shield

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