Category Archives: Publications

Read about stretching and breaking of PEO nanofibres in the last article from Eivind Bering and Astrid de Wijn

Read the last manuscript from Eivind Bering and Astrid de Wijn in Soft Matter here: DOI: 10.1039/D0SM00089B Title:  Stretching and breaking of PEO nanofibres. A classical force field and ab-initio simulation study Abstract: The burgeoning development of nanotechnology is allowing us to construct more and more nanoscale systems in the real world that used to

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Read how inconsistencies are removed by properly incorporating the curvature dependence of the surface tension of the mixture into classical nucleation theory for multicomponent systems

This is the last publication from Ailo Aasen , David Reguera and Øivind Wilhelmsen available under the PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 124, Issue 4. The study of nucleation in fluid mixtures exposes challenges beyond those of pure systems. A striking example is homogeneous condensation in highly surface-active water alcohol mixtures, where classical nucleation theory yields an

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New publication from Gunnarshaug et al. on “The reversible heat effects at lithium iron phosphate- and graphite electrodes”

The last article from Astrid  Fagertun Gunnarshaug, Signe jelstrup, Dick Bedeaux, Frank Richter and Odne Stokke Burheim,  entitled “The reversible heat effects at lithium iron phosphate- and graphite electrodes” was accepted for publication under the Journal Electrochimica Acta DOI information: 10.1016/j.electacta.2019.135567 Abstract Lithium ion batteries are used to store and produce electric energy. During the

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Read about the heat of transfer and the Peltier coefficient of electrolytes in the last publiction from Gunnarshaug et al.

The last article from Astrid Gunnarshaug, Signe Kjelsptrup and Dick Bedeaux entitled “The heat of transfer and the Peltier coefficient of electrolyte mixtures” was accepted for publication under the Journal Chemical Physics Letters: X DOI: Congratulations! Abstract We prove that the heats of transfer of a mixture of solvents can be expressed by their

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A new paper explores the stability of droplets, bubbles and films in pores

PhD candidate Magnus Aa. Gjennestad (PoreLab/NTNU) and Senior Researcher/Professor Øivind Wilhelmsen (SINTEF/PoreLab/NTNU) recently published the paper “Thermodynamic stability of droplets, bubbles and thick films in open and closed pores” in Fluid Phase Equilibria. In this work, a thermodynamic description was developed to study the stability of droplets, bubbles and films of water in a pore. For a particular set of conditions,

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The flying chain strikes again

Do you remember the YouTube video from Marcel and the relevant publications on the flying chain? Well, the flying chain strikes again! The group has produced a new theoretical model for explaining the phenomenon that included the effects of fluctuations along the chain length. This model, backed up by experiments and numerical simulations, successfully predicted

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Publication about “Predicting Resistivity and Permeability of Porous Media Using Minkowski Functionals”

Per Arne Slotte, Carl Fredrik Berg and Hamid Hosseinzade Khanamiri released their last publication in “Transport in Porous Media”. volume 130, no.3, December 2019. Read the article here: Abstract: Predicting Resistivity and Permeability of Porous Media Using Minkowski Functionals | SpringerLink Permeability and formation factor are important properties of a porous medium that only depend on

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New article from Marcel Moura et al. on “Connectivity enhancement due to film flow in porous media”

Thin liquid films and capillary bridges can effectively enhance the connectivity of a porous medium, making it possible for the drainage of apparently trapped liquid clusters. This drainage due to film flow was recently characterized in a paper published in Phys. Rev. Fluids by PoreLab researcher Marcel Moura and collaborators. The experimental work has shown

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Most Downloaded paper

The paper from A. Hansen, S. Sinha, D. Bedeaux, S. Kjelstrup. M. Aa. Gjennestad and M. Vassvik: “Relations between seepage velocities in immiscible, incompressible two-phase flow in porous media” (2018) has become the most downloaded paper ever in Transport in Porous Media, the main journal in porous media research, starting in 1986.  We demonstrate in

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Director of PoreLab, Professor Alex Hansen, speaks about Open Science at Frontiers

Alex speaks about Open Science at Frontiers. Watch him here: The Frontiers Forum brings together 400+ top global scientists and other thought leaders. It provides a valuable opportunity for the Frontiers community to see and discuss the latest in Open Science – and the Science Unlimited event showcases inspiring developments powering our world of

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