Category Archives: Publications

Read more about the Entropy Production beyond the Thermodynamic Limit from Single-Molecule Stretching Simulations

Read the last paper from Eivind Bering, Signe Kjelstrup, Dick Bedeaux, J. Miguel Rubi and Astrid S. de Wijn on “Entropy Production beyond the Thermodynamic Limit from Single-Molecule Stretching Simulations“, published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry on September 16th here:   Abstract: Single-molecular systems are a test bed to analyze to what extent

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Read more about contact angles in X-ray tomography images of two-phase flow in the last paper from Khanamiri, Slotte and Berg

Read the last paper from Hamid H. Khanamiri, Per-Arne Slotte and Carl fredrik Berg on “Contact angles in two-phase flow images“, published in open access on October 27th, 2020 under Transport in Porous Media here:   Abstract In this work, we calculate contact angles in X-ray tomography images of two-phase flow in order to

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Read how the catastrophic propagation of fractures can be explained by their extreme temperature. Or how to generate a small ‘sun’ with some adhesive tape.

“The fractoluminescence phenomenon, that is, the emission of visible light when a material breaks, is generally unknown from the general public. It is yet rather easy to observe it, as one may only need to quickly unroll some adhesive tape in the dark (as shown in the picture). This intriguing phenomenon can be explained by

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New release in 2020: 2 Advanced Materials Books

Congratulations to Ole Torsæter and his colleagues for the release of 2 Advanced Materials books. Sustainable Materials for Oil and Gas Applications – 1st edition Sustainable Materials for Transitional and Alternative Energy – 1st edition It is going to be available soon by the renowned Elsevier on the following links. Vol 1-  Sustainable Materials

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New publication: Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of surfaces captures the energy conversions in a shock wave

Last publication from Bjørn Hafskjold, Dick Bedeaux, Signe Kjelstrup and Øivind Wilhelmsen. Title: “Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of surfaces captures the energy conversions in a shock wave” Journal: Chemical Physics Letters: X – Volume 7, July 2020, 100054 DOI: Available online 1 August 2020. Read the publication here >>

Read more about the reindeer nose and how it can help us studying energy efficiency

Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) have evolved elaborate nasal turbinate structures that are perfused via a complex vascular network. These are subject to thermoregulatory control, shifting between heat conservation and dissipation, according to the animal’s needs. The three-dimensional design of the turbinate structures is essential in the sense that they determine the efficiency with which heat and

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Read about stretching and breaking of PEO nanofibres in the last article from Eivind Bering and Astrid de Wijn

Read the last manuscript from Eivind Bering and Astrid de Wijn in Soft Matter here: DOI: 10.1039/D0SM00089B Title:  Stretching and breaking of PEO nanofibres. A classical force field and ab-initio simulation study Abstract: The burgeoning development of nanotechnology is allowing us to construct more and more nanoscale systems in the real world that used to

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Read how inconsistencies are removed by properly incorporating the curvature dependence of the surface tension of the mixture into classical nucleation theory for multicomponent systems

This is the last publication from Ailo Aasen , David Reguera and Øivind Wilhelmsen available under the PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 124, Issue 4. The study of nucleation in fluid mixtures exposes challenges beyond those of pure systems. A striking example is homogeneous condensation in highly surface-active water alcohol mixtures, where classical nucleation theory yields an

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New publication from Gunnarshaug et al. on “The reversible heat effects at lithium iron phosphate- and graphite electrodes”

The last article from Astrid  Fagertun Gunnarshaug, Signe jelstrup, Dick Bedeaux, Frank Richter and Odne Stokke Burheim,  entitled “The reversible heat effects at lithium iron phosphate- and graphite electrodes” was accepted for publication under the Journal Electrochimica Acta DOI information: 10.1016/j.electacta.2019.135567 Abstract Lithium ion batteries are used to store and produce electric energy. During the

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