Author Archives: PoreLab

PoreLab lecture with Dr. Dr. Senyou An on multi-scale flow and transport dynamics in porous media

Dr. Senyou An, winner of the InterPore-PoreLab award for young researchers 2022, is visiting PoreLab in Trondheim now. Senyou is now a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Earth Science and Engineering, at Imperial College, London, UK. He will give a talk on: Title: Multi-scale flow and transport dynamics in porous media When: Monday 10

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Welcome to Vegard!

Vegard Gjeldvik Jervell joined PoreLab and the department of Chemistry at NTNU as PhD candidate on August 29th, 2022 Vegard holds a Master degree in Industrial Chemistry and Biotechnology from NTNU with a specialization in Material technology from 2022. The title of his master project was: “Thermodynamic and kinetic modelling of thermal diffusion in Mie-fluids“.

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PoreLab lecture with Professor Douglas Durian on “Statistical Mechanics of Granular Clogging”

Douglas Durian, Mary Amanda Wood Professor of Physics and Astronomy, from the University of Pennsylvania will give a lecture on “Statistical Mechanics of Granular Clogging” during our next PoreLab lecture series. When: Wednesday 5 October 2022 at 13:00 (Trondheim time) Where: on zoom: Abstract: The gravity-driven flow of grains from a hole in a

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PoreLab lecture with Professor Rainer Helmig on Porous media free-flow coupling model concepts – from pore to Darcy scale –

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! We will welcome Professor Rainer Helmig from the University of Stuttgard. Professor Helmig will present his research activities on: Porous media free-flow coupling model concepts -from pore to Darcy-scale – When: Thursday 6 October at 10 AM (Trondheim time) Where: PoreLab premises, NTNU you can also follow join with

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Defense of thesis: Vilde Bråten

VILDE BRÅTEN – DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Vilde Bråten has submitted the following academic thesis as part of the doctoral work at the Norwegian University of Science (NTNU): “Fundamental Aspects of Thermodynamics of Small Systems Investigated Through Molecular Simulations and Theoretical Descriptions” Assessment Committee The Faculty of Natural Science has appointed the following

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Newest book release: “Physics of Flow in Porous Media” by Feder, Flekkøy and Hansen

Book description An invaluable reference for graduate students and academic researchers, this book introduces the basic terminology, methods and theory of the physics of flow in porous media. Geometric concepts, such as percolation and fractals, are explained and simple simulations are created, providing readers with both the knowledge and the analytical tools to deal with

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PoreLab paper on “The Co-Moving Velocity in Immiscible Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media” published in TiPM

The important paper from Subhadeep Roy, Håkon Pedersen, Santanu Sinha & Alex Hansen was published in Transport in Porous Media in May 2022. Click on the following link to read it: Abstract: We present a continuum (i.e., an effective) description of immiscible two-phase flow in porous media characterized by two fields, the pressure and the saturation. Gradients in

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Defense of thesis: Michael Tobias Rauter

Defense of thesis 5 October: Michael Tobias Rauter – Faculty of Natural Sciences, NTNU Michael Tobias Rauter – THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Michael Tobias Rauter has submitted the following academic thesis as part of the doctoral work at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU): Fluid Transport through Nanoporous Media in the Presence of

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PoreLab paper on “Non-Newtonian Rheology in a Capillary Tube with Varying Radius” published in TiPM

The paper from Federico Lanza, Alberto Rosso, Laurent Talon & Alex Hansen was accepted and published on August 27th, 2022, under Transport in Porous Media. Congratulations! Abstract: Fluid blobs in an immiscible Newtonian fluid flowing in a capillary tube with varying radius show highly nonlinear behavior. We consider here a generalization of previously obtained results to blobs of non-Newtonian

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2 open Postdoc positions at NTNU, on nano-scale molecular-dynamics and meso-scale simulations of friction

Postdoctoral Fellow in molecular-dynamics simulations of clay for sustainable stable ground We have a vacancy for a Postdoctoral Fellow in molecular-dynamics simulations of non-ideal superlubric contacts of 2D materials, in the Materials Group at Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. We are looking for you with a background in non-equilibrium molecular-dynamics, ideally, but not necessarily, with experience in

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PoreLab lecture with Prof. Sauro Succi on ‘From Softmat to Dropmat: computer explorations of droplet-based states of flowing matter’

Our guest, Prof. Sauro Succi, from IIT-CLNS, Harvard University and University College London, is visiting PoreLab at NTNU next week. He will present his research on “From Softmat to Dropmat: computer explorations of droplet-based states of flowing matter” on August 29th at 14:00 (Trondheim time) at PoreLab premises. The title and abstract for his presentation can

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The last article from Vilde Bråten and al. on “Equation of state for confined fluids” has been chosen as featured article and as science highlight by AIP

The last article from Vilde Bråten, Daniel Tianhou Zhang, Morten Hammer, Ailo Aasen, Sondre Schnell and Øivind Wilhelmsen, all members at PoreLab, on “Equation of state for confined fluids” has been chosen as Featured Article by the Journal of Chemical Physics. The journal wrote the following: “Editors felt that your article was one of the

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PoreLab paper on “All-fibre heterogeneously-integrated frequency comb generation using silicon core fibre” published in Nature Communication

The paper from Ursula Gibson on “All-fibre heterogeneously-integrated frequency comb generation using silicon core fibre” was accepted and published under Nature Communication. Congratulations! Abstract: Originally developed for metrology, optical frequency combs are becoming increasingly pervasive in a wider range of research topics including optical communications, spectroscopy, and radio or microwave signal processing. However, application demands

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PoreLab lecture with Associate Professor Saman Aryana on Transport and Phase Behavior in Multiscale Disordered Media

Our guest, Associate Professor Saman Aryana from the University of Wyoming, USA, is visiting PoreLab at NTNU this week. He will present his research on “Transport and Phase Behavior in Multiscale Disordered Media.” on June 16th at 14:00 (Trondheim time) at PoreLab premises. Saman’s interests lie primarily in the fundamental physics of flow instabilities and dynamics of

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