Author Archives: PoreLab

Alex Hansen, Jonas Kjellstadli and Srutarshi Pradhan talk about concret in Gemini

Read the last research news from PoreLab in Gemini here. Det som ikke sprekker dem, gjør dem sterkere Noen materialer blir sterkere når de utsettes for påkjenninger. Men alt bryter sammen til slutt. Hvorfor er det sånn? Og når gir materialene etter likevel? Illustrasjon: Shutterstock, NTB Scanpix Av Steinar Brandslet Publisert 23.09.19 Det høres litt

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About InterPore Awards – Deadline: 15 November 2019

InterPore – PoreLab Award for Young Researchers (formerly Fraunhofer Award for Young Researchers) The International Society for Porous Media, InterPore, on behalf of PoreLab announces a Young Researcher Award in recognition of outstanding contributions in the field of porous media from a fundamental point of view. The research may be theoretical, computational, or experimental. Award winners will

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Workshop planned during week 43 with James McClure from Virginia Tech

James McClure, computational scientist from Virginia Tech, USA, is visiting EQUINOR and IGP during the week 43. A workshop will be organised at IGP during his presence. Short bio: My research work is focused on the development of theoretical and numerical methods to study transport phenomena in porous media, especially using digital rock physics. Digital

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Guest lecture from Zoya Heidari from the University of Texas

The department of Geoscience and Petroleum is pleased to announce a talk by Zoya Heidari from the University of Texas at Austin. Title: Formation Evaluation and Rock Physics Model Development in Mixed-Wet Rocks Time: Friday 20th September, 14.15-15.00 Place: P10, PTS1, Valgrinda. Short bio: Zoya Heidari is an associate professor at Hildebrand department of petroleum

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Most Downloaded paper

The paper from A. Hansen, S. Sinha, D. Bedeaux, S. Kjelstrup. M. Aa. Gjennestad and M. Vassvik: “Relations between seepage velocities in immiscible, incompressible two-phase flow in porous media” (2018) has become the most downloaded paper ever in Transport in Porous Media, the main journal in porous media research, starting in 1986.  We demonstrate in

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Welcome to Danial Arab at PoreLab Trondheim

Welcome to Danial! Danial is a PhD candidate from the department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Calgary, Canada. Danial is pursuing his PhD on the use of nanoparticles and chemicals to enhance recovery of heavy oil. He has received a grant for carrying out a portion of his research at NTNU/PoreLab.

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Welcome to Quirine Krol at PoreLab Trondheim

Quirine Krol got a grant for a Post-doc research fellow position at the College of Engineering, Montana State University in Bozeman for 2 years starting in April 2020 and working with Professor Sarah Codd. Quirine is coming from ETH Zürich, Institute of Environmental Engineering. She arrived at PoreLab Trondheim on August 27 and will remain

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Welcome to Edgar Javier Rueda at PoreLab Trondheim

Edgar Javier Rueda is a Master Student from the University of Campinas, Brazil. Edgar arrived at PoreLab Trondheim on August 8th and will stay with us at PoreLab Trondheim until the end of October. Edgar holds a bachelor degree in Petroleum Engineering back in December 2015 from the Industrial University of Santander, Colombia. Currently, he

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Welcome to Philipp Rehner at PoreLab Trondheim

Philipp Rehner is a PhD Student from the Institute for Technical Thermodynamics and Thermal Process Engineering at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. He arrived at PoreLab Trondheim on August 2nd and will stay with us until the end of October 2019. Philipp is working with Professor Joachim Groß back in Stuttgart. He will be working

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NTNU is recruiting a Professor or Associate Professor in experimental mesoscopic physics

The Department of Physics at NTNU announces an open position as Professor or associate Professor in experimental mesoscopic physics to be associated with the Porous Media Laboratory – PoreLab.  The successful candidate is expected to initiate, lead and contribute to the study of porous media, broadly defined, at the mesoscale, i.e., at scales much larger than

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