PoreLab is a Norwegian Center of Excellence created in 2017 and situated at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, and the University of Oslo (UiO). It focuses on the physics of porous media using experimental, theoretical and computational methods. It is led by seven principal scientists from physics, chemistry and reservoir engineering.

PoreLab Lecture Series

Do you wish to receive the invitations to the PoreLab lectures? Contact Marie-Laure Olivier here: Marie-Laure.Olivier@ntnu.no

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Porous Media Tea Time Talk (#PorousMediaTTT)

Welcome to the Webinar series

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PoreLab Journal Club

The idea is for the juniors to present a recent paper with a short preparation time, Papers are then peer-reviewed by the group.

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Lecture from Professor Berend Smit from EPFL on Big Data in Nanoporous Materials: Science beyond Understanding

Welcome to the lecture from Professor Berend Smit from EPFL on Big Data in Nanoporous Materials. The lecture is organized by Associate Professor Raffaela Cabriolu from the department of Physics, NTNU. Who: Prof. Berend Smit, Chemical Engineering at the School of Basic Sciences, EPFL, Switzerland. When: Thursday November 23 at 15:00 (Norway time). Where:  R8 (NTNU, Trondheim) Title: Big Data

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Last publication from Lanza et al. selected as Editor’s pick in Physics of Fluids

Congratulations to Federico Lanza, Santanu Sinha, Alex Hansen, Alberto Rosso and Laurent Talon. Their publication on “Transition from viscous fingers to foam during drainage in heterogeneous porous media” was considered as noteworthy by the editors, and was chosen to be promoted as an Editor’s Pick. Congratulations! Title: Transition from viscous fingers to foam during drainage

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PoreLab lecture with Associate Professor Cecilia Leal on structural complexity of lipid nanoparticles: implications for efficient gene delivery

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! Who: Associate Professor Cecilia Leal from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA When: Wednesday November 22 at 13:00 (Norway time). Where:  The lecture will be streamed in the Kelvin room (PoreLab Oslo) and in the common room (PoreLab Trondheim). From anywhere else, you will be able to join via the following

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PoreLab lecture with Professor Ian Frigaard from the University of British Columbia on Handling Uncertainty in the Squeeze Cementing Process

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! Who: Professor Ian Frigaard from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada When: Wednesday November 15 at 13:00 (Norway time). Where: The lecture will be streamed in the Kelvin room (PoreLab Oslo) and in the common room (PoreLab Trondheim). From anywhere else, you will be able to join via the following Zoom link:https://uio.zoom.us/j/65837085049?pwd=WjZianUyN3FJa2liQkxBbzQrOCtGdz09 Title: Handling Uncertainty in the Squeeze Cementing Process

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PoreLab lecture with Dr. Marco De Paoli on multiscale modelling of convective mixing in confined porous media

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! Who: Dr. Marco De Paoli from the University of Twente, The Netherlands, and TU Wien, Austria When: Tuesday November 14 at 13:00 (Norway time). Where: The lecture will be streamed live in Kelvin (Oslo) and the common room (Trondheim). From anywhere else, you will be able to join with the following Zoom

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PoreLab lecture with Professor Eirik G. Flekkøy from PoreLab UiO on cavitation dynamics in creeping flow

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! Who: Professor Eirik G. Flekkøy, PoreLab UiO, Njord center, Department of Physics, University of Oslo When: Wednesday 25 October at 13:00 (Oslo time) Where: Kelvin room (PoreLab Oslo), the lecture will be streamed live to the common room (PoreLab Trondheim). From anywhere else, you will be able to participate via the following Zoom

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PoreLab publication in Nature Communications on how drainage explains soil liquefaction beyond the earthquake near-field

The article from Professor Renaud Toussaint and coworkers (Shahar Ben-Zeev, Liran Goren, Renaud Toussaint & Einat Aharonov) has been accepted in Nature Communications. Congratulations! Read the paper here: Drainage explains soil liquefaction beyond the earthquake near-field | Nature Communications A popular science article was published on this article in SCIENMAG here: New insights into soil liquefaction during earthquakes research

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PoreLab lecture with Prof. Miguel Rubi from the University of Barcelona on Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of active particles self-assembly

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! Who: Prof. Miguel Rubi from the  Department of Fundamental Physics  at the University of Barcelona, Spain When: Friday 13 October at 13:00 (Oslo time) Where: on zoom https://uio.zoom.us/j/65837085049?pwd=WjZianUyN3FJa2liQkxBbzQrOCtGdz09 Title: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of active particles self-assembly Abstract: We calculate the energetic cost of the formation of active particle structures. Using an approach that couples the particle dynamics

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PoreLab lecture with Dr. Olivier Vincent, from the Institut Lumière Matière, France, on water and solutions in nanoporous media: capillarity, osmosis and phase change

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! Who: Dr. Olivier Vincent, Permanent Research Scientist at CNRS, Institut Lumière Matière, Lyon, France When: Wednesday 11 October at 13:00 (Oslo time) Where: on zoom https://uio.zoom.us/j/65837085049?pwd=WjZianUyN3FJa2liQkxBbzQrOCtGdz09 Title: Water and solutions in nanoporous media: capillarity, osmosis and phase change Abstract: I will discuss a series of experiments that illustrate the rich physics of phase transitions and

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