Author Archives: PoreLab

Read more about the reindeer nose and how it can help us studying energy efficiency

Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) have evolved elaborate nasal turbinate structures that are perfused via a complex vascular network. These are subject to thermoregulatory control, shifting between heat conservation and dissipation, according to the animal’s needs. The three-dimensional design of the turbinate structures is essential in the sense that they determine the efficiency with which heat and

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Vejen til frihed

Exit-strategi : Kan vi forhindre nye bølger af COVID-19 ved hjælp af såkaldt kontaktsporing? Ja, viser en gruppe forskere: Ved hjælp af overvågning, test og karantæne er det muligt at holde smitten i ave.Les artikkelen fra Gaute Linga og Kristian Stølevik Olsen, Postdok og  PhD kandidat fra institutt for fysikk ved Universitet i Oslo her: Figuren

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Two new INTPART projects at PoreLab

We are very happy to announce that two INTPART applications directly connected to PoreLab were selected for funding under the 2019 RCN call. INTPART – the “Programme for International Partnerships for Excellent Education, Research and Innovation” – aims at the development of long-term relations between Norwegian higher education and research institutions in a group of

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Open position at NTNU for a Professor or Associate Professor in physical chemistry

The department of Chemistry at NTNU is recruiting a Professor or Associate Professor in physical chemistry with special emphasis on non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Here is the link to the press release for the position: Application deadline: 15.06.2020 Advertisement here >>

Open Summer Job at PoreLab

PoreLab (Porous Media Laboratory) is offering one position for a summer job. PoreLab is a Norwegian Research Council Center of Excellence created in 2017 and situated at NTNU in Trondheim, and the University of Oslo (UiO). The center’s objective is to develop a generalized statistical mechanics for porous media flow at the pore level which

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Open Post Doctoral Researcher position in Theory and Molecular Basis of Viscosity of Fluids

The Materials Group at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering from NTNU has a vacancy for a researcher position. The project is about understanding and modelling the viscosity of complex fluids, particularly polar fluids, ionic liquids, and electrolyte solutions. For an idea of what this project is about: Find the advertisement here: Deadline: 19.04.2020

Seminar with Prof. Carlos Vega and Dr. Thijs van Westen – 26 March 2020 – NTNU Gløshaugen Varmeteknisk C201

You are invited to follow a series of lectures, Thursday 26th of March, Gløshaugen Varmeteknisk C201. The lectures are held by the opponents of the PhD defence of Ailo Aasen, 28th of March. The schedule is as follows: 10.00: Prof. Carlos Vega, Complutense University of Madrid: Simulations of water: challenges after fifty years 11.00: Dr.

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15th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media

The 15th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media (MRPM15) will be hosted from Monday August 24th to Friday August 28th 2020 by Nofima in Tromsø, Norway. The 16th Colloquium on Mobile Magnetic Resonance (CMMR16) will be part of the conference. The conference will take place at the Scandic Ishavshotel located in the center of Tromsø. For

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