Category Archives: PoreLab Lecture Series

PoreLab lecture with Professor Shervin Bagheri from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, on Liquid-infused materials and surfaces

Welcome to the PoreLab lecture with Professor Shervin Bagheri from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. When: Wednesday 12 April at 13:00 (Oslo time) Where: Who: Professor Shervin Bagheri from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Title: Liquid-infused materials and surfaces Abstract: In this talk, I will present the design of multiphase porous materials — which

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PoreLab lecture with Dr. Tomás Aquino on mixing, delay, and restart — fluid-solid reaction efficiency in incompletely-mixed porous media

Welcome to the PoreLab lecture with Dr. Tomás Aquino. When: March 29th at 13:00 (Oslo time) Where: Title: Mixing, delay, and restart — Fluid-solid reaction efficiency in incompletely-mixed porous media Abstract:Biogeochemical reactions at the interface between the fluid and solid phases are central to a wide range of natural and engineered processes in porous

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PoreLab lecture with Albert-László Barabási on “Network Science – From Abstract to Physical Networks”

PoreLab UiO together with the Science Library in Oslo are organizing a talk from Professor Albert-László Barabási on March 22nd at 14:00. It will be streamed at the Science Library’s youtube channel ( Web page: event: Albert-László BarabásiNetwork Science Institute and Department of Physics,  Northeastern University Division of Network Medicine, Harvard University Department

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PoreLab lecture with Professor Majid Hassanizadeh on Two-phase Flow in Industrial Porous Media; Experiments, Theory, and Modelling

PoreLab’s next lecture will take place Wednesday 01.03 at 13:00 (Oslo time). As invited lecturer, we welcome Professor Majid Hassanizadeh, from the SimTech Center of Excellence at Stuttgart University, Germany and the Earth Sciences Department at Uthrecht University, Netherlands. You will be able to join with the following Zoom-link: free to share it with whoever

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PoreLab lecture with Dr. Dr. Senyou An on multi-scale flow and transport dynamics in porous media

Dr. Senyou An, winner of the InterPore-PoreLab award for young researchers 2022, is visiting PoreLab in Trondheim now. Senyou is now a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Earth Science and Engineering, at Imperial College, London, UK. He will give a talk on: Title: Multi-scale flow and transport dynamics in porous media When: Monday 10

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PoreLab lecture with Professor Douglas Durian on “Statistical Mechanics of Granular Clogging”

Douglas Durian, Mary Amanda Wood Professor of Physics and Astronomy, from the University of Pennsylvania will give a lecture on “Statistical Mechanics of Granular Clogging” during our next PoreLab lecture series. When: Wednesday 5 October 2022 at 13:00 (Trondheim time) Where: on zoom: Abstract: The gravity-driven flow of grains from a hole in a

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PoreLab lecture with Professor Rainer Helmig on Porous media free-flow coupling model concepts – from pore to Darcy scale –

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! We will welcome Professor Rainer Helmig from the University of Stuttgard. Professor Helmig will present his research activities on: Porous media free-flow coupling model concepts -from pore to Darcy-scale – When: Thursday 6 October at 10 AM (Trondheim time) Where: PoreLab premises, NTNU you can also follow join with

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PoreLab lecture with Prof. Sauro Succi on ‘From Softmat to Dropmat: computer explorations of droplet-based states of flowing matter’

Our guest, Prof. Sauro Succi, from IIT-CLNS, Harvard University and University College London, is visiting PoreLab at NTNU next week. He will present his research on “From Softmat to Dropmat: computer explorations of droplet-based states of flowing matter” on August 29th at 14:00 (Trondheim time) at PoreLab premises. The title and abstract for his presentation can

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PoreLab lecture with Associate Professor Saman Aryana on Transport and Phase Behavior in Multiscale Disordered Media

Our guest, Associate Professor Saman Aryana from the University of Wyoming, USA, is visiting PoreLab at NTNU this week. He will present his research on “Transport and Phase Behavior in Multiscale Disordered Media.” on June 16th at 14:00 (Trondheim time) at PoreLab premises. Saman’s interests lie primarily in the fundamental physics of flow instabilities and dynamics of

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PoreLab lecture on “Gas Diffusion Layers with Patterned Wettability for Next-generation Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells” by Dr. Antoni Forner Cuenca

PoreLab is pleased to host Dr. Antoni Forner Cuenca from TU Eindhoven on Wednesday 18th May for the next PoreLab lecture series. Antoni is a brilliant scientist in porous media and mainly works on new applications of the field such as Fuel cells, redox batteries and etc… When: Wednesday 18 May at 13:00 Where: Join Zoom

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PoreLab guest lecture on “From nanofluidics to geological reservoir simulations: a molecular simulation perspective”

Professor Guillaume Galliero from the Laboratory of Complex Fluids and their Reservoirs at the Université de Pau et des pays de l’Adour, France, will hold a lecture on “From nanofluidics to geological reservoir simulations: a molecular simulation perspective” When: Wednesday, May 11 at 08:15 Where: Onsager meeting room (Realfagbygget, D3-114) Abstract: From nanofluidics to geological

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PoreLab lecture on “The impact of bentonite-slurry-infiltration on the hydro-mechanical parameters of granular soil in the context of hydroshield tunnelling”

Peyman Mianji is visiting PoreLab Trondheim from Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany working with Dr. Ali Ghoreishian. He will briefly present us his PhD research during the coffee morning on Friday 11th March, at 10:00 (Trondheim time). Title: The impact of bentonite-slurry-infiltration on the hydro-mechanical parameters of granular soil in the context of hydroshield tunnelling Abstract: Slurry shield

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