PoreLab course 1: FYS4465 at UiO / NTNU code pending
Theory and simulation of flows in complex media
Background assumed: Equilibrium statistical mechanics. Some students may know about diffusion/Langevin equations/basic theory of Onsager reciprocity relations, others will know the Boltzmann equation. Goal: Bring the student to understand the hydrodynamics of flows in porous media, including thermal gradients and concentration gradients. Also, the student will get a toolbox to simulate the flow in porous media on different scales. The course will support the experimental course in PoreLab.
PoreLab course 2 : FYS4420/FYS9420 at UiO or PG8605/TPG4565 at NTNU
Experimental condensed matter/petroleum physics
Background assumed: Thermodynamics and/or fundamental statistical physics, fluid mechanics and electromagnetism. A first course in experimental physics/reservoir engineering, including elementary uncertainty calculations. Goal: The students learn several experimental techniques in condensed matter and/or petroleum physics and they learn how to write project based scientific reports. The course will support theoretical and numerical course in PoreLab.
Examples of master degree projects
Pressure fluctuations in porous media flows, UiO
Influence of flow speed on the pore invasion dynamics, UiO
Projects in Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, NTNU
Steady state two phase flow experiments in 3D, UiO
CO2 storage and stability of convection plumes in model aquifers, UiO
Modeling a cyclic granular plug formation process, UiO
Fast deformation and fracturing during fluid injection into a porous reservoir model, UiO
Granular plug dynamics in confined geometry, UiO
Steady state two phase flow in a gravitational field, UiO
From statistical distribution of the two-phase system to the overall permeability, NTNU