Category Archives: Conference/Symposium/Workshop

PoreLab lecture on the recent developments in laboratory testing of geomaterials with emphasis on imaging processes

Title : Recent developments in laboratory testing of geomaterials with emphasis on imaging processes Speaker: Prof. Cino Viggiani Affiliation: Professor of Geomechanics, Université de Grenoble When: Wednesday 16 December at 13:00 (Oslo time) Where: online (see below) Abstract: This talk will present a review of some recent technical developments and scientific accomplishments in laboratory experimental

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PoreLab lecture on process coupling and upscaling of effective transport parameters in porous media: Towards Digital Twins

  When: Wednesday 9 December 2020 from 13.00 (Oslo time) Where: online (see below) Title : Process coupling and upscaling of effective transport parameters in porous media: Towards Digital Twins Speaker: Dr. Nikolaos Prasianakis Affiliation: Group Leader at Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland Abstract: I will discuss about research relevant to geochemical multiscale – multiphysics simulations,

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PoreLab lecture on a (real) multi-scale solver for two-phase flow: a micro-continuum approach

When: Wednesday 2 December from 13:00 (Oslo time) Title : A (real) multi-scale solver for two-phase flow: a micro-continuum approach Speaker: Dr. Cyprien Soulaine Affiliation: Associate Scientist at CNRS Abstract: Micro-continuum approaches are intermediate between a pure Navier-Stokes description of flow and transport and a continuum-scale model using Darcy’s law [1]. They use an unique

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PoreLab lecture on single- and two-phase rock typing

When: Wednesday 25 November at 15:00 (Oslo time) Where: online (see below) Title : Single- and two-phase rock typing Speaker: Dr. Behzad Ghanbarian Affiliation: Assistant Professor of Engineering Geology – Kansas State University   Abstract: In the literature, numerous methods linking a characteristic pore length scale (lc) to permeability (k) and porosity () have been used

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Porous Media Tea Time Talk #11

  The PorousMediaTTT team is happy to invite you to the last Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) session for this year on  17.11.2020 at 15.00 Oslo / local time on: The two presentations are: Experimental study of fluid flow and solute transport in fractured porous media By: Mehrdad Ahkami, ETH Zürich, Switzerland Application of

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PoreLab lecture on Multiphase Flow and Reactive Transport in Porous Media: an Experimental Microfluidic Approach

When: 18 November  at 1PM (Oslo time) Where: online Title : Multiphase Flow and Reactive Transport in Porous Media: an Experimental Microfluidic Approach Speaker: Dr. Sophie Roman Affiliation: Associate Professor – University of Orléans (France) Abstract: There is a strong interest in imaging and numerical modeling of multiphase and reactive flow at the pore scale

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PoreLab lecture on ADMIRE: a multiscale framework for subsurface energy storage in (fractured) geological formations

Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! When: 11 November 2020 at 13:00 (Oslo time) Where: online (see below) Title : ADMIRE: a multiscale framework for subsurface energy storage in (fractured) geological formations Speaker: Dr. Hadi Hajibeygi Affiliation: Associate Professor at TU Delft Abstract: Abstract: Subsurface geological formations provide giant capacities for storing renewable energy, when

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Porous Media Tea Time Talk # 10

The Porous Media Tea Time Talks (PMTTT) team is happy to invite you to our next Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) session at  03.11.2020 at 10.30 Oslo time/local time on:​. The two presentations are: Are machines intelligent enough to infer REVs from raw microCT images? By: Ankita Singh, UNSW, Australia A novel texture-analysis

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Porous Media Tea Time Talk # 9

The Porous Media Tea Time Talks (PMTTT) team is happy to invite you to the next Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) session on 20.10.2020 at 15.00 pm CEST/ local time on: The two presentations are: Study of solute mixing during density-driven convection in multidimensional porous media By: Anna-Maria Eckel, Imperial College London, UK Convective mixing

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PoreLab lecture on “Modelling complex degradation processes in concrete structures across material scales”

Title : Modelling complex degradation processes in concrete structures across material scales Speaker: Dr. Ravi A. Patel Affiliation: Institute of building materials and material testing laboratory (IMB/MPA), Karlsruhe Institute of technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany, formerly at Laboratory of waste management, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Villgen Switzerland 5232 When: 28 October 2020 at 13:00, Oslo time

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Webinars organised by the Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics Group of the Royal Society of chemistry

The Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics Group of the Royal Society of chemistry is organizing a series of webinars. The next webinar is from: Prof. Josep Bonet Avalos University of Tarragona, Rovira i Virgili, Spain When: Wed, Oct 21, 2020 4:00 PM – 5:15 PM BST Registration link: Twitter: @rsc_smtg www: In a recent article we

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InterPore2021 – new information and call for proposals for minisymposia sub-sessions

InterPore2021 is the 13th Annual InterPore Meeting and will offer physical as well as virtual lectures and attendees. The conference will be held at the Edinburgh International Conference Center (EICC) in the heart of Edinburgh, Scotland.  In order to accommodate those who, for various reasons, may be unable to join in the physical meeting, InterPore2021 will offer the

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PoreLab lecture on “Upscaling Multiphase Flow from Pore to Darcy Scale – From a geometric state function of capillarity to a generalized description of wetting”

When: 21 October 2020 at 13:00 Where: onlin (see below) Title : Upscaling Multiphase Flow from Pore to Darcy Scale – From a geometric state function of capillarity to a generalized description of wetting Speaker: Dr. Steffen Berg Affiliation: Shell Global Solutions International B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands Abstract: At the Darcy scale many parameters describing

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PoreLab lecture on “Mixing control on fluid-fluid and fluid-solid chemical reactions in multiphase systems”

When:14 October at 13:00 Where: online (see below) Title : Mixing control on fluid-fluid and fluid-solid chemical reactions in multiphase systems Speaker: Dr. Joaquin Jimenez-Martinez Affiliation: Department Water Resources and Drinking Water, Eawag, 8600 Dubendorf, Switzerland Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland     Abstract: Porous and fractured media

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InterPore’s 2021 Kimberly-Clark Lecture Series

Prof. Muhammad Sahimi has been awarded the Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lectureship Award by InterPore Foundation for 2021. As such, he will share a topic relevant to the industrial porous media community through a series of lectures at various organizations. In addition to in-person lectures, Prof. Sahimi will also be offering the option of online and hybrid lectures. You

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