PoreLab Lecture Series
Do you wish to receive the invitations to the PoreLab lectures? Contact Marie-Laure Olivier here: Marie-Laure.Olivier@ntnu.no
Do you wish to receive the invitations to the PoreLab lectures? Contact Marie-Laure Olivier here: Marie-Laure.Olivier@ntnu.no
The idea is for the juniors to present a recent paper with a short preparation time, Papers are then peer-reviewed by the group.
Congratulations to Jingya Zhang who defended her thesis on May 30th, 2020! Jingya spent the 3rd year of her PhD at PoreLab from September 2018 to August 2019, working with Professor Ole Torsæter. During her research stay in PoreLab, she conducted research on characterization of pore structure of tight sandstones and studied the impact of
The 12th Annual InterPore Meeting will be held for the first time in the digital realm. More information about InterPore 2020 here >> Due to the change to an online conference, abstract submission has been re-opened. Please note the deadline of 25 June 2020 for all submissions. Information about abstract submission here >>
Text from Professor Catharina de Lange Davies Stein-Martin Fagerland will defend his PhD thesis “Nanoparticles, ultrasound and microbubble mediated drug delivery in cancer model” on Friday June 12th. The defence will take place in room S21, in Sentralbygget 2. Floor at Gløshaugen, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. The schedule is different from normal as the 2. opponent
Welcome to the annual EarthFlows seminar organised at the Njord center, University of Oslo, Norway. The seminar will be held on June 11th and 12th, with speakers and audience both attending from the seminar room Kelvin at Blindern, University of Oslo, and by Zoom. If you wish to attend the seminar, please sign up here:
PoreLab researcher, Marcel Moura, was on live TV on May 18th, 2020, in Brazil. It was a special program about the anniversary of his hometown Caruaru (18/05). He talked about PoreLab’s activities and showed a video of the Flying Chain experiment. He talked as well about a very relevant topic during this corona time, namely
ebook available here >> More information about “Nanothermodynamics – general theory” here >> From left to right: Sondre Schnell, Signe Kjelstrup and Dick Bedeaux
About the PhD position We have a vacancy for a three-year PhD scholarship in the research group Reservoir Engineering and Petrophysics at the Department of Geoscience and Petroleum (IGP) at NTNU. The position is part of the project “Pore Scale Simulations for Wettability Description” funded by The Research Council of Norway. It will be in
About the position The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering has a vacancy for a PhD candidate in machine learning and data mining for lubricant formulation in the Materials Group. We are looking for candidates with a background in one or ideally more of these areas: machine learning, computational science, statistics, data mining, statistical physics,
Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) have evolved elaborate nasal turbinate structures that are perfused via a complex vascular network. These are subject to thermoregulatory control, shifting between heat conservation and dissipation, according to the animal’s needs. The three-dimensional design of the turbinate structures is essential in the sense that they determine the efficiency with which heat and
The world of small systems challenges standard knowledge. Can we use classical thermodynamics? The answer to that is no. The book discusses how Terrill Hill developed the field of nanothermodynamics, which applies perfectly well also to small systems, to address this problem. He introduced an ensemble of replicas of the small system and showed that
Exit-strategi : Kan vi forhindre nye bølger af COVID-19 ved hjælp af såkaldt kontaktsporing? Ja, viser en gruppe forskere: Ved hjælp af overvågning, test og karantæne er det muligt at holde smitten i ave.Les artikkelen fra Gaute Linga og Kristian Stølevik Olsen, Postdok og PhD kandidat fra institutt for fysikk ved Universitet i Oslo her: https://www.weekendavisen.dk/2020-19/ideer/vejen-til-frihed?fbclid=IwAR12qfhJy6y3HE_EmtcDboTZ_TzycjBu-JOdHM47JHTF59QLW7r4l07N3qg Figuren
Nytt verktøy kan avsløre hemmeligheter om vann i et vannreservoar, olje i et oljereservoar og CO2 under havbunnen. I en ny artikkel fra Eivind Torgersen under Titan.no, viser fram Professor Knut Jørgen Måløy og PhD kandidat Joachim Falck Brodin nyvinningen som åpner nye dører i forskning på det som kalles porøse
We are very happy to announce that two INTPART applications directly connected to PoreLab were selected for funding under the 2019 RCN call. INTPART – the “Programme for International Partnerships for Excellent Education, Research and Innovation” – aims at the development of long-term relations between Norwegian higher education and research institutions in a group of
The department of Chemistry at NTNU is recruiting a Professor or Associate Professor in physical chemistry with special emphasis on non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Here is the link to the press release for the position: https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/186599/professor-associate-professor-in-physical-chemistry Application deadline: 15.06.2020 Advertisement here >>
PoreLab (Porous Media Laboratory) is offering one position for a summer job. PoreLab is a Norwegian Research Council Center of Excellence created in 2017 and situated at NTNU in Trondheim, and the University of Oslo (UiO). The center’s objective is to develop a generalized statistical mechanics for porous media flow at the pore level which