PoreLab is a Norwegian Center of Excellence created in 2017 and situated at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, and the University of Oslo (UiO). It focuses on the physics of porous media using experimental, theoretical and computational methods. It is led by seven principal scientists from physics, chemistry and reservoir engineering.

PoreLab Lecture Series

Do you wish to receive the invitations to the PoreLab lectures? Contact Marie-Laure Olivier here: Marie-Laure.Olivier@ntnu.no

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Porous Media Tea Time Talk (#PorousMediaTTT)

Welcome to the Webinar series

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PoreLab Journal Club

The idea is for the juniors to present a recent paper with a short preparation time, Papers are then peer-reviewed by the group.

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15th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media

The 15th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media (MRPM15) will be hosted from Monday August 24th to Friday August 28th 2020 by Nofima in Tromsø, Norway. The 16th Colloquium on Mobile Magnetic Resonance (CMMR16) will be part of the conference. The conference will take place at the Scandic Ishavshotel located in the center of Tromsø. For

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Read about stretching and breaking of PEO nanofibres in the last article from Eivind Bering and Astrid de Wijn

Read the last manuscript from Eivind Bering and Astrid de Wijn in Soft Matter here: DOI: 10.1039/D0SM00089B Title:  Stretching and breaking of PEO nanofibres. A classical force field and ab-initio simulation study Abstract: The burgeoning development of nanotechnology is allowing us to construct more and more nanoscale systems in the real world that used to

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2 PhD positions are available at PoreLab

Both PhD students will work on the project “Ultrasound-mediated transport of nanoparticles in tissue: Creating a predictive model combining theory, simulations and experiments” funded by the Research Council of Norway. The first PhD student will be working experimentally and the other one working on simulations and modelling. It is expected that the 2 PhDs collaborate

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The winner of the InterPore – PoreLab Award for young researchers in 2020 is Hamed Aslannejad

Based on the recommendation of the Awards Committee of the International Society for Porous Media (InterPore), Dr. Hamed Aslannejad has been selected to receive the InterPore – PoreLab Award 2020 for Young Researchers. Congratulations! Hamed is a post-doc researcher at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. His current research concerns the interaction of water-based inks and

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RILEM Multi-scale Modelling Course for Concrete (MMC2) 2020

MMC2 5 October – 9 October 2020 The RILEM Multi-scale Modelling Course for Concrete (MMC2) provides the opportunity for participants to become familiar with modelling cementitious materials at four levels of detail. Different ways of schematization and numerical approaches are considered to simulate the chemical, physical and mechanical behaviour of cementitious materials. The main back-bone

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Read how inconsistencies are removed by properly incorporating the curvature dependence of the surface tension of the mixture into classical nucleation theory for multicomponent systems

This is the last publication from Ailo Aasen , David Reguera and Øivind Wilhelmsen available under the PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 124, Issue 4. The study of nucleation in fluid mixtures exposes challenges beyond those of pure systems. A striking example is homogeneous condensation in highly surface-active water alcohol mixtures, where classical nucleation theory yields an

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Workshop on “Mechanics of geomaterials from micro to macro”, Grenoble, France, June 29-30, 2020

The University of Grenoble is organizing a short workshop on “Mechanics of geomaterials from micro to macro“, which will be held in Grenoble (France) on June 29 and 30, as a pre-event to the IACMAG conference in Torino. This short event will be devoted to multi-scale numerical modelling in geotechnical engineering and geomechanics. The first

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New publication from Gunnarshaug et al. on “The reversible heat effects at lithium iron phosphate- and graphite electrodes”

The last article from Astrid  Fagertun Gunnarshaug, Signe jelstrup, Dick Bedeaux, Frank Richter and Odne Stokke Burheim,  entitled “The reversible heat effects at lithium iron phosphate- and graphite electrodes” was accepted for publication under the Journal Electrochimica Acta DOI information: 10.1016/j.electacta.2019.135567 Abstract Lithium ion batteries are used to store and produce electric energy. During the

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Read about the heat of transfer and the Peltier coefficient of electrolytes in the last publiction from Gunnarshaug et al.

The last article from Astrid Gunnarshaug, Signe Kjelsptrup and Dick Bedeaux entitled “The heat of transfer and the Peltier coefficient of electrolyte mixtures” was accepted for publication under the Journal Chemical Physics Letters: X DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpletx.2019.100040 Congratulations! Abstract We prove that the heats of transfer of a mixture of solvents can be expressed by their

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Visit of Dr. Tom Bultrey, winner of the 2019 InterPore – PoreLab Award for young researchers, at PoreLab Trondheim

Dr. Tom Bultrey, winner of the 2019 InterPore-PoreLab award for young researchers, came for a short visit in PoreLab Trondheim in the period 13-17 January 2020. He came to visit different PoreLab teams and to scope out specific collaborative projects. The program for his visit can be found here. A workshop was organised on January 13th, 2020, in his

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