PoreLab Lecture Series
Do you wish to receive the invitations to the PoreLab lectures? Contact Marie-Laure Olivier here: Marie-Laure.Olivier@ntnu.no
Do you wish to receive the invitations to the PoreLab lectures? Contact Marie-Laure Olivier here: Marie-Laure.Olivier@ntnu.no
The idea is for the juniors to present a recent paper with a short preparation time, Papers are then peer-reviewed by the group.
Salem Saaed Akarri joined PoreLab Trondheim on April 1st, 2019, as PhD candidate. His PhD is related to WP6 (Microfluidics and field studies) under the Geoscience and Petroleum department of NTNU. Salem has a master’s degree in Reservoir Engineering and Petrophysics from NTNU, 2018, and a Bachelor of science from King Fahd University of Petroleum
The 3rd edition of the PoreLab Junior Forum took place in the Physics Department at the University of Oslo on March 21st, 2019. Agenda is available here: Program_JF3. The day started at 12 with the lunch, followed by a social event and ended with a dinner. After the scientific part of the forum was completed, the juniors
Giulio Fossati, Master student in Nuclear Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Italia) joined us at PoreLab Trondheim today, March 19, and for 6 months. Giulio did his bachelor in Energy Engineering in 2017 and is now concluding his Master in Nuclear System Physic. He is coming to PoreLab to do his master thesis together with
On March the 14th and 15th, 2019, a delegation from the Engineering Thermodynamics group from the University of Delft, the Netherlands, visited PoreLab Trondheim The purpose of the visit was to explore a new definition of the pressure of porous media proposed by Galteland et al., in a new type of porous media, namely zeolites.
Diego Kingston, PhD candidate, from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, will spend 2 months with us at PoreLab Trondheim. He arrived today on March the 14th, 2019. Diego has a master in chemical engineering from the University of Buenos Aires from 2012. He started a PhD in June 2014 on the following subject: Entropy
On March the 7 and 8th, 2019, PoreLab Trondheim organised a workshop with members of the ERICA network. ERICA stands for “Engineered calcium-silicate-hydrates for applications” and is a project of the type MSCA-ITN-ETN – European Training Networks financed by EU H2020. It is coordinated by the University of Surrey. The NTNU wishes to become partner in the
Professor Verónica Pérez Chávez from CETYS University of México is coming to PoreLab Trondheim as guest researcher from March 2019 and up to one year. Professor Pérez Chávez holds a PhD in Physical Optics from the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada (CICESE). Her activities at PoreLab will be related to wave
The SINTEF Petroleum Conference 2019 is organised this year on March the 19th and 20th at the Radisson Blu Royal Garden Hotel in Trondheim. The topic of his year is: Sharing knowledge in the digital upstream industry. Registration here. More information here Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/2131668773751155/ LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6496047438854389760
Dr. Tom Bultreys, from Ghent University, Belgium, has contributed significantly to the field of pore-scale imaging and modeling. During his PhD, he developed a multi-scale network model to describe rocks with a very wide range of pore sizes. New concepts were developed, which have already found commercial applications. In his subsequent work at Imperial College,
Miguel Rubi, Professor of Condensed Matter Physics in the Department of Fundamental Physics at the University of Barcelona, and Honorary Doctor from NTNU, will spend one year with us at PoreLab Trondheim. Miguel arrived on February the 11th. Welcome!
Lin CHEN, Professor at the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, invites PoreLab postdoctor or young researchers interested with research opportunities in China to apply to the NSFC. If you are interested, please read the conditions below or here. You can take contact with Professor Lin CHEN here: Tel./Fax: +86)-10-8254-5735 Email: chenlinpku06@163.com chenlin2018@iet.cn
Michael joined the PoreLab team on February the 1st as PhD candidate. He holds a Master degree within Process Engineering with a focus on Chemical & Electrochemical engineering and Device & Plant engineering from the University of Stuttgart in Germany. He graduated in December 2018. The focus of his studies was on numerical methods/simulation
Professor Alain Gibaud, from Le Mans Université, France, will visit PoreLab Trondheim and give a presentation entitled “Small angle x-ray analysis of mesoporous silica thin films” on January the 29th at 13:00 in our main area (PTS2, 2nd floor) Abstract: Small angle x-ray analysis of mesoporous silica thin films Alain Gibaud Le MANS Université, IMMM, UMR 6283
Associate Professor Marios Valavanides from the department of Civil Engineering, University of West Attica, Greece, will visit PoreLab Trondheim next week. He will stay 3 days from January the 28th until the 30th. Marios will give a seminar talk about “Recent advances in the DeProF theoretical framework for two-phase flows in porous media –
Francis Mujica, master student at the department of Earth Sciences from the Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, arrived at PoreLab Trondheim on January the 17th and will stay 2 months with us. She holds a Bachelor of Engineering in geology. Welcome!