PoreLab is a Norwegian Center of Excellence created in 2017 and situated at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, and the University of Oslo (UiO). It focuses on the physics of porous media using experimental, theoretical and computational methods. It is led by seven principal scientists from physics, chemistry and reservoir engineering.

PoreLab Lecture Series

Do you wish to receive the invitations to the PoreLab lectures? Contact Marie-Laure Olivier here: Marie-Laure.Olivier@ntnu.no

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Porous Media Tea Time Talk (#PorousMediaTTT)

Welcome to the Webinar series

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PoreLab Journal Club

The idea is for the juniors to present a recent paper with a short preparation time, Papers are then peer-reviewed by the group.

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The paper entitled “Perturbation theories for fluids with short-ranged attractive forces: A case study of the Lennard-Jones spline fluid” was recently selected to be Editors Pick and ended up at the cover of the Journal of Chemical Physics.

Congratulations to Øivind Wilhelmsen, Bjørn Hafskjold, Morten Hammer and Ailo Aasen! Their recent paper, Perturbation theories for fluids with short-ranged attractive forces: A case study of the Lennard-Jones spline fluid ended up on the cover of the Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 156, Issue 10. It was also awarded with Editors pick!  In the paper, researchers from

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PoreLab lecture on “The impact of bentonite-slurry-infiltration on the hydro-mechanical parameters of granular soil in the context of hydroshield tunnelling”

Peyman Mianji is visiting PoreLab Trondheim from Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany working with Dr. Ali Ghoreishian. He will briefly present us his PhD research during the coffee morning on Friday 11th March, at 10:00 (Trondheim time). Title: The impact of bentonite-slurry-infiltration on the hydro-mechanical parameters of granular soil in the context of hydroshield tunnelling Abstract: Slurry shield

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Professor Signe Kjelstrup receives the InterPore Honorary Lifetime Membership Award 2022 – Congratulations!

The InterPore Honorary Lifetime Membership Award is reserved for individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to porous media science and technology, who are world-renowned in the porous media community, and whose contributions are consistent with the aims and ideals of InterPore. InterPore is pleased to announce that the Honorary Lifetime Membership Award 2022 goes to

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Pirates, noblewomen and bicycling housewives

About the episode: Why does Norway always rank among the top countries on the planet when it comes to gender equality? It didn’t happen by accident. Instead, it took powerful medieval noblewomen, 19th century farmers’ wives, an early 20th century activist on a bicycle, and the feminists who emerged from the postwar baby boom. And yes, there

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Open position for a PhD Research Fellow in experimental porous media physics at the university of Oslo

A position as PhD Research Fellow in experimental porous media physics is available at Centre of excellence (CoE) PoreLab at The Njord Centre. Deadline: 28th February 2022 You can only apply via jobbnorge here: https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/219819/phd-research-fellow-in-experimental-porous-media-physics The PhD position is of 3 years duration. If the candidate has the necessary qualifications and based on the teaching

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Welcome to Morten!

Dr. Morten Hammer joined PoreLab at NTNU in February 2022 as Postdoctoral fellow. His position is financed by PoreLab for 2 years under the WP 5 (Thermodynamic driving forces). He will be working on the development of non-equilibrium thermodynamics transport theories for two-phase flow in porous media together with Professor Øivind Wilhelmsen. Morten has a MSc in

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Defence of thesis: Seunghan Song

Seunghan Song has submitted the following academic thesis as part of the doctoral work at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU): “Thermal processing of semiconductor alloy core glass fibers” Assessment Committee The Faculty of Natural Sciences has appointed the following Assessment Committee to assess the thesis: 1st opponent: Assistant Prof. Donguk Nam,  School

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Listen to Alex Hansen talking about Ethics and Open Access

Science Conversations @NTNU are web-based conversations between active researchers on different topics. On November 4th, Alex Hansen was invited to the webinar on Ethics and Open Access – important when publishing. Follow the webinar here Conversation topics at the webinar Open access to research results is a requirement from granting authorities both nationally and internationally. This

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Next Porous Media Tea Time Talk on November 30th

You are warmly invited to the last 2021 session of the Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) on Tuesday, November 30th at 17:00 CET on our YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/nTirOC2ht7c   The two presentations are: Evolution of Bentheimer sandstone wettability during cyclic scCO2-brine injections By: Anna Herring, Australian National University (Canberra, Australia) and Assessment of the potential CO2

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4th Interpore National Workshop on Porous Media, Bergen, December 1st, 2021

Remember the 4th Interpore National Workshop on Porous Media to be held in Bergen on December 1, 2021. More information about the program and registration can be found here: https://www.norceresearch.no/en/events/interpore-norway-4th-national-workshop The workshop is free of charge and open to all. But you need to register at the address above. Carl Fredrik Berg will give a

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PoreLab lecture on “Developing and applying new tools to understand how materials for Li and “beyond-Li” battery technologies function”

The next PoreLab lecture will take place on Thursday, November 25th at 14:00 (Oslo time). We will welcome Professor Clare P. Grey from the department of Chemistry at the University of Cambridge. The title of her presentation is: Developing and applying new tools to understand how materials for Li and “beyond-Li” battery technologies function You will

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PoreLab lecture on Acoustic fluidization and remote earthquake triggering

The next PoreLab lecture will take place on Wednesday, November 24th at 1 PM (Oslo time). We will welcome the lecturer, Lucilla De Arcangelis, from the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” (Department of Engineering). You will be able to join with the following link: https://uio.zoom.us/j/65837085049?pwd=WjZianUyN3FJa2liQkxBbzQrOCtGdz09 The title and abstract for this presentation are below: Acoustic

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