PoreLab Lecture Series
Do you wish to receive the invitations to the PoreLab lectures? Contact Marie-Laure Olivier here: Marie-Laure.Olivier@ntnu.no
Do you wish to receive the invitations to the PoreLab lectures? Contact Marie-Laure Olivier here: Marie-Laure.Olivier@ntnu.no
The idea is for the juniors to present a recent paper with a short preparation time, Papers are then peer-reviewed by the group.
Title: Statistical Mechanics at Strong Coupling: A Bridge between Landsberg’s Energy Levels and Hill’s Nanothermodynamics Authors: Rodrigo de Miguel 1,* and J. Miguel Rubí2 1 Department of Teacher Education, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7491 Trondheim, Norway 2 Department of Condensed Matter Physics, University of Barcelona, 08007 Barcelona, Spain *Author to whom correspondence should
When: Wednesday 9 December 2020 from 13.00 (Oslo time) Where: online (see below) Title : Process coupling and upscaling of effective transport parameters in porous media: Towards Digital Twins Speaker: Dr. Nikolaos Prasianakis Affiliation: Group Leader at Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland Abstract: I will discuss about research relevant to geochemical multiscale – multiphysics simulations,
When: Wednesday 2 December from 13:00 (Oslo time) Title : A (real) multi-scale solver for two-phase flow: a micro-continuum approach Speaker: Dr. Cyprien Soulaine Affiliation: Associate Scientist at CNRS Abstract: Micro-continuum approaches are intermediate between a pure Navier-Stokes description of flow and transport and a continuum-scale model using Darcy’s law [1]. They use an unique
The X-ray group at the department of Physics, NTNU, joined the consortium established by 15 European Universities and research centers, entitled EXCITE (Electron and X-ray microscopy Community for structural and chemical Imaging Techniques for Earth materials). The project EXCITE is organised under the European program H2020-INFRAIA-2020. It is coordinated by the University of Utrecht, The
Read the last paper from Eivind Bering, Signe Kjelstrup, Dick Bedeaux, J. Miguel Rubi and Astrid S. de Wijn on “Entropy Production beyond the Thermodynamic Limit from Single-Molecule Stretching Simulations“, published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry on September 16th here: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c05963 Abstract: Single-molecular systems are a test bed to analyze to what extent
When: Wednesday 25 November at 15:00 (Oslo time) Where: online (see below) Title : Single- and two-phase rock typing Speaker: Dr. Behzad Ghanbarian Affiliation: Assistant Professor of Engineering Geology – Kansas State University Abstract: In the literature, numerous methods linking a characteristic pore length scale (lc) to permeability (k) and porosity () have been used
The PorousMediaTTT team is happy to invite you to the last Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) session for this year on 17.11.2020 at 15.00 Oslo / local time on: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuK0ogQKdSxq6pW-vljLN1Q. The two presentations are: Experimental study of fluid flow and solute transport in fractured porous media By: Mehrdad Ahkami, ETH Zürich, Switzerland Application of
When: 18 November at 1PM (Oslo time) Where: online Title : Multiphase Flow and Reactive Transport in Porous Media: an Experimental Microfluidic Approach Speaker: Dr. Sophie Roman Affiliation: Associate Professor – University of Orléans (France) Abstract: There is a strong interest in imaging and numerical modeling of multiphase and reactive flow at the pore scale
PHD TRIAL LECTURE AND PUBLIC DEFENCE MAGNUS AASHAMMER GJENNESTAD – THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS – PORELAB NTNU Magnus Aashammer Gjennestad has submitted the following academic thesis as part of the doctoral work at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU): Modelling of two-phase equilibrium, stability and steady-state flow in porous media Assessment Committee The
Welcome to the next PoreLab lecture! When: 11 November 2020 at 13:00 (Oslo time) Where: online (see below) Title : ADMIRE: a multiscale framework for subsurface energy storage in (fractured) geological formations Speaker: Dr. Hadi Hajibeygi Affiliation: Associate Professor at TU Delft Abstract: Abstract: Subsurface geological formations provide giant capacities for storing renewable energy, when
Tomislav Vukovic started his PhD on August 3rd, 2020 at the department of Geoscience and Petroleum and PoreLab NTNU. Tomislav presents his PhD project as follow: “The topic of my PhD is optimization of screening criteria for green enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods. A well-designed screening process is crucial for the success of the green
Short Course Series: Mathematics of Porous Media During the winter 2020-21 the Porous Media Group at the University of Bergen will organize a series of short courses on topics related to the mathematics of porous media. The lecturers are world leading researchers within their fields. Each topic will be covered in three two-hour lectures. The lectures will be
The Porous Media Tea Time Talks (PMTTT) team is happy to invite you to our next Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) session at 03.11.2020 at 10.30 Oslo time/local time on: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuK0ogQKdSxq6pW-vljLN1Q. The two presentations are: Are machines intelligent enough to infer REVs from raw microCT images? By: Ankita Singh, UNSW, Australia A novel texture-analysis
Read the last paper from Hamid H. Khanamiri, Per-Arne Slotte and Carl fredrik Berg on “Contact angles in two-phase flow images“, published in open access on October 27th, 2020 under Transport in Porous Media here: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11242-020-01485-y Abstract In this work, we calculate contact angles in X-ray tomography images of two-phase flow in order to
PoreLab participated to the virtual Pink Ribbon Run 2020 both in Trondheim and Oslo. The Pink Ribbon is an international symbol of breast cancer awareness About the run Trondheim and Oslo, like many towns around the world, organize a yearly race to support the action. Due to Corona, the Pink Ribbon Run was organized “virtually” during the fall 2020. What does