PoreLab Lecture Series
Do you wish to receive the invitations to the PoreLab lectures? Contact Marie-Laure Olivier here: Marie-Laure.Olivier@ntnu.no
Do you wish to receive the invitations to the PoreLab lectures? Contact Marie-Laure Olivier here: Marie-Laure.Olivier@ntnu.no
The idea is for the juniors to present a recent paper with a short preparation time, Papers are then peer-reviewed by the group.
The last article published by Professor Eirik Flekkøy on ‘Oumuamua, the interstellar guest in our solar system, is available here in Aftenposten. The article is in Norwegian. Article here (in Norwegian) >>
Welcome to the opening of our virtual gallery exhibition on Monday September 21st at 1PM! Beauty can be found in the most ordinary of things. Some of the greatest scientists that ever lived endorse this viewpoint. Richard Feynman, in one of his many strokes of pure genius boldly spoke about the several layers of
We are happy to invite you to our next Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) session at 22.09.2020 at 15.00 pm CEST/local time on: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuK0ogQKdSxq6pW-vljLN1Q. This time we will be going from the modeling of filtration processes to the engineering challenges of a living porous medium! Remember that you can post questions anytime using
Title : Heterogeneous Combustion in Porous Media as Ultra-low Emission Combustion Concept Speaker: Prof. Matthias Ihme Affiliation: Center for Turbulence, Research Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University When: 23 September from 15 to 16, online Abstract: Current combustion technologies for aviation gas-turbines, stationary power generation, and internal combustion engines are relatively mature, and only incremental
Title : Parametric optimization and high-resolution fabrication of freeform Gas Diffusion Layers Speaker: : Jan Torgersen, Robert Bock Affiliation: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, NTNU University When: 21 September from 13 to 14 Abstract: The gas diffusion layer (GDL) is a multifunctional part of a fuel cell governing reactant and product transport in opposing
Caroline Einen started her PhD on August 10th, 2020 at PoreLab NTNU. Caroline holds a Master of Science in nanotechnology with a specialization in Bionanotechnology from NTNU. Her project is part of the project “Ultrasound-mediated transport of nanoparticles in tissue: A predictive model” financed by the Research Council of Norway. This project was established by
Title : Multiscale modelling of transport in heterogeneous reactive media: conjugate transfer and surface reactions Speaker: Dr. Federico Municchi Affiliation: Research Fellow in Applied Mathematics, University of Nottingham Abstract: Asymptotic homogenisation is a powerful and versatile tool for the upscaling of transport and reaction equations in porous and heterogeneous media. For example, Taylor
We are happy to invite you to our next Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) session on 8.09.2020 at 10.30 am CEST/local time on our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuK0ogQKdSxq6pW-vljLN1Q. Remember that you can use the comment field to send questions anytime (you don’t have to wait until the end of the presentation, give the moderators some
Hyejeong Cheon started her PhD on August 19th, 2020 at PoreLab NTNU. Hyejeong holds a Master in Physics from NTNU. She holds a Bachelor in Nanobiomaterials Science and Engineering from Chung-ang University in South Korea, as well as a Bachelor in Physics from Umeå University in Sweden. Her project at PoreLab is part of the
Håkon Pedersen started his PhD on August 10th, 2020 at PoreLab NTNU. Håkon holds a master of science in Physics from NTNU. His master thesis was about “Spin Wave Modulation in Antiferromagnetic Magnonic Crystals with Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Mriya Interaction“. His project at PoreLab is organised under the WP1 (Thermodynamics of flow in porous media). Håkon
Sebastian Everard Nordby Price started his PhD on August 10th, 2020 at PoreLab NTNU. Sebastian holds a master in chemical engineering from NTNU. His project is part of the project “Ultrasound-mediated transport of nanoparticles in tissue: A predictive model” financed by the Research Council of Norway. This project was established by Professor Ruth Catharina de
Hursanay Fyhn started her PhD on August 10th, 2020 at PoreLab NTNU. Hursanay holds a master of science in Physics and Mathematics from NTNU. Her project is organised under the WP1 (Thermodynamics of flow in porous media). The aim of her PhD is to develop the theoretical framework that describes immiscible two-phase flow in porous
Congratulations to Ole Torsæter and his colleagues for the release of 2 Advanced Materials books. Sustainable Materials for Oil and Gas Applications – 1st edition Sustainable Materials for Transitional and Alternative Energy – 1st edition It is going to be available soon by the renowned Elsevier on the following links. Vol 1- https://www.elsevier.com/books/sustainable-materials-for-oil-and-gas-applications/temizel/978-0-12-824380-0 Sustainable Materials
We are glad to invite you to our next Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) session on 25.08.2020 at 3 pm CEST, which will be streamed live on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuK0ogQKdSxq6pW-vljLN1Q Direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QGbTzAGlXM You can ask questions anytime using the comment field on YouTube. I think the work in these presentations are very much related to