Author Archives: PoreLab

Defence of thesis: Louison Thorens

Louison Thorens will defend his thesis Unstable drainage of frictional fluids and magnetic control of the mechanical behavior of confined granular media for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor. Time and place: Nov. 17, 2021 1:15 PM, Zoom/Kelvin (V317), Fysikkbygningen The PhD defence and trial lecture are partially digital and streamed using Zoom.  The chair of the defence will moderate the

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We did it again!

On October 3rd, 2021, PoreLab participated for the second time to the Pink Ribbon Run in Trondheim with a group of 20 PoreLab members. The Pink Ribbon is an international symbol of breast cancer awareness. About the run Trondheim, like many towns around the world, organize a yearly race to support the action. Last year

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The deadline for InterPore Award nominations has been extended to November 15th

InterPore awards recognize researchers for excellence across disciplines and throughout varying career stages. The deadline for award nominations has been extended to November 15th. You can nominate candidates for the following awards: Honorary Lifetime Membership Award Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lectureship Award InterPore Medal for Porous Media Research InterPore Award for Porous Media Research InterPore-PoreLab Award for

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PoreLab lecture on the penetration of intruders in granular media

The next PoreLab lecture will take place on Wednesday (20/10) at 1pm (Oslo time). As the lecturer, we will welcome Laciel Alonso Llanes, from the Universities of Havana (Department of Applied Physics) and Strasbourg (Institut Terre Et Environnement). You will be able to join with the following link: The title and abstract for this

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Defense of thesis 19 October: Chuangxin Lyu – Additional information

Defence of Thesis 19th October: Chuangxin Lyu – Faculty of Engineering Chuangxin Lyu has submitted the following academic thesis as a part of the doctoral work at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering: Mechanical behavior of frozen saline clay: laboratory, field and numerical investigation   The Faculty

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Defense of thesis 19 October: Chuangxin Lyu

Defense of thesis 19 October – Faculty of Engineering Chuangxin Lyu, from the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, has submitted the following academic thesis as part of the doctoral work at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU): Mechanical behavior of frozen saline clay: laboratory, field and numerical investigation Trial lecture and defenceThe

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The deadline to nominate candidates for the InterPore Awards is 1 November

The call for InterPore award nominations is now open. The deadline to nominate candidates for the InterPore Awards is 1 November. You can nominate candidates for the following awards: Honorary Lifetime Membership Award Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lectureship Award InterPore Medal for Porous Media Research InterPore Award for Porous Media Research InterPore-PoreLab Award for Young Researchers Rien

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Nanomaterials: The Special Issue “Nanoscale Thermodynamics” is now online!

The Special Issue “Nanoscale Thermodynamics” is now online. Please check it via: This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue Nanoscale Thermodynamics that was published in Nanomaterials Editor: Prof. Signe Kjelstrup (PoreLab, NTNU) Pages: 168 Published: July 2021 Download pdf here >> This Special Issue concerns the development of a theory for energy conversion on the

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PoreLab lecture on Multiscale contact mechanics for rough surfaces with applications to fluid flow at interfaces

On Wednesday 22 September at 1pm (Oslo time) will be our next Porelab Lecture. (Please note the change in time compared to our last two lectures.) You will be able to join with the following link: As the lecture, we will there welcome Bo N. J. Persson, from Multiscale Consulting and the Peter Grünberg

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Introduction to X-Ray & CT using Nikon CT equipment for Universities and research facilities

The reservoir laboratory at the department of Geoscience and petroleum engineering, NTNU has received the new mCT scanner, Nikon XT H 225. You are invited to an online presentation given by Lauren Enghien, application engineering manager from Nikon, Belgium. Title: Introduction to X-Ray & CT using Nikon CT equipment for Universities and research facilities When:

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