Category Archives: New employee

Welcome to Fazel!

Fazel Mirzaei started his PhD in September 2020 at the department of Physics and PoreLab, NTNU.  Fazel presents his PhD project as follow: “I’m working on computational imaging, ranging from medical to industrial and environmental applications. I’m working on multiphase flow visualization as a PhD candidate at NTNU. Being able to quantitatively observe multiphase liquid

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Welcome to Tomislav!

Tomislav Vukovic started his PhD on August 3rd, 2020 at the department of Geoscience and Petroleum and PoreLab NTNU. Tomislav presents his PhD project as follow: “The topic of my PhD is optimization of screening criteria for green enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods.  A well-designed screening process is crucial for the success of the green

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Welcome to Caroline!

Caroline Einen started her PhD on August 10th, 2020 at PoreLab NTNU. Caroline holds a Master of Science  in nanotechnology with a specialization in Bionanotechnology from NTNU. Her project is part of the project “Ultrasound-mediated transport of nanoparticles in tissue: A predictive model” financed by the Research Council of Norway. This project was established by

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Welcome to Hyejeong!

Hyejeong Cheon started her PhD on August 19th, 2020 at PoreLab NTNU. Hyejeong holds a Master in Physics from NTNU. She holds a Bachelor in Nanobiomaterials Science and Engineering from Chung-ang University in South Korea, as well as a Bachelor in Physics from Umeå University in Sweden. Her project at PoreLab is part of the

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Welcome to Håkon!

Håkon Pedersen started his PhD on August 10th, 2020 at PoreLab NTNU. Håkon holds a master of science in Physics from NTNU. His master thesis was about “Spin Wave Modulation in Antiferromagnetic Magnonic Crystals with Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Mriya Interaction“. His project at PoreLab is organised under the WP1 (Thermodynamics of flow in porous media).    Håkon

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Welcome to Sebastian!

Sebastian Everard Nordby Price started his PhD on August 10th, 2020 at PoreLab NTNU. Sebastian holds a master in chemical engineering from NTNU. His project is part of the project “Ultrasound-mediated transport of nanoparticles in tissue: A predictive model” financed by the Research Council of Norway. This project was established by Professor Ruth Catharina de

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Welcome to Hursanay!

Hursanay Fyhn started her PhD on August 10th, 2020 at PoreLab NTNU. Hursanay holds a master of science in Physics and Mathematics from NTNU. Her project is organised under the WP1 (Thermodynamics of flow in porous media). The aim of her PhD is to develop the theoretical framework that describes immiscible two-phase flow in porous

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